Chapter Fifty Five

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*Justin's POV*

Two weeks later, we have a meeting with all of Paul's doctors. Mom, Dad,Stephen, Jonathan, Ava, Mom and I all were there. I made sure he has the best doctors there is.  We all piled  into the conference room at the front end of the table were all four of his doctors. Their names are Doctor Haney, Doctor Price, Doctor Gregor and Doctor Vincent.

"All four of us have worked hard to find the main problem of Paul getting better." Doctor Haney began. " It is his heart that is the main problem." He finished.

"If his heart gets better than we could work on a recovery from the heart attack and stroke." Doctor Vincent told us.

"What can we do to get his heart working better?" Mom asked the doctors. They all four looked at each other and then back at us.

"There is a heart surgery we can do, but it could end very badly." Doctor Gregor told us.

"What do you mean?" I asked them. They better not say what I think they'll say.

"There are two possibilities of what can happen because of this surgery." Doctor Price said. None of my family said anything, we already knew what they were going to say. "Paul could either male this surgery and recover or he couldn't. This could be fatal." He finished. I looked over at mom and she looked at the doctors in shock.

"Could we have a moment alone to decide what we're going to do?" I asked the doctors. They all nodded and left the room. When they left that's when mom broke down.

"He can't leave me. Not yet." She sobbed. I held her close as she cried. She soon calmed down.

"Mom, we need to figure out what we're going to do." I said.

"I don't know what to do." She said quietly. I sighed and looked at her. Suddenly dad spoke up.

"I think we should do the surgery. If it's God's will to take him then it is, but if it's not then he will make it." He said.  We all looked at mom,waiting for an answer.

She sighed and nodded her head, " Okay." She said quietly. Dad got the doctors and they came back in.

"The surgery can be done." I told them.

"Are you sure?" Doctor Gregor asked us. I looked at mom and she slowly nodded.

"Yes." I nodded. All four of the doctors nodded their heads.

"We'll do the surgery tomorrow." Doctor Price told us. We all silently nodded and left the room.

"Ava and I are going to go home for a little bit, but we'll be back soon." I told my family. They all nodded and her and I left. We stayed silent in the elevator and all the way to the car. When we got in I got in the driver's seat and she got in the passenger seat. I looked forward and stared o it the windshield in silence.

Why him? Why does he have to be in that hospital bed? What if he doesn't make it out of this surgery, alive?

I then screamed and punched the steering wheel. I looked over at Ava, who had tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry." I cried. She wiped away my tears and kissed me softly on the lips.

"No, I'm sorry." She said. I gave her a small smile and wiped away her tears.

"I love you." I said quietly.

"I love you more." She said back to me. We kissed one last time before I drove us to the apartment. I went to the kitchen while she went to the bedroom. She told me she was going to change her clothes. I was making sandwich when I heard heels tapping on the floor as the sound came closer to me. I turned around and saw Ava wearing nothing,but the heels.

'Cause it's like you're my mirror  (A Justin Timberlake Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now