Chapter 17

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"Looks like F and Princey Boy is here," I said as I saw the other two Saiyans land in front of us. My tail wagged slightly. The popping in it had finally stopped every time that I moved it.

"Stop calling me that," Vegeta said with a slight glare.

I shurgged. "Oh well," I said. "Let's get this training started!"

"You seem excited," F stated as he looked at me.

I smiled at him. "I haven't been able to fight in a while!" I told him with my tail wagging.

Justin looked at Vegeta and Papa. "You two any to watch? Or join?"

After a while, Vegeta and Papa agreed to watch, and they would maybe join us later. Justin told them to stay back before turning to me and F.

"Okay! We'll be going easy for a while since (Y/N) needs to get used to fighting again," Justin said with a clap.

I nodded and got ready to fight as F did the same. I wrapped my tail around my waist. After Justin counted down, F attacked first.

I dodged and kicked him in the back. F jumped back before flying towards me and punches me in the stomach. I gave a small grunt as I jumped back.

I flew forward and hit F with my shoulder and upper arm. F let grunt out before landing. He then let out a small scream and powered up.

"Oh, we're going to power up now, huh?" I looked at him before I powered up to my Super Saiyan 1 form.

F smirked and chuckled a little before he shooting a ki attack at me. I knocked it away and flew forward, quickly getting beside him. I punched him in the back and then kicked him. F turned and let another ki attack at me.

I gave him a small smile before let out a ki attack myself. F dodged as I also dodged his ki attack. I flew behind him again and wrapped my tail around him. I quickly flung him up in the sky and flew up. I punched him in the stomach and threw him back down. F hit the ground and lightly tapped the ground.

Justin called out, "Okay, (Y/N) won!" He said as I landed and helped F up.

"That hurt," F said as he rubbed his back. I crossed my arms and unwrapped my tail.

"You're too slow," I told him as I gave a small grin. "You need to get faster, and you're attacked need to be stronger, even if we were only sparing."

F and Justin looked at me. Justin slowly said, "Your saiyan blood shows strong in you."

"Can I spar with you, (Y/N)?!" I looked over at Papa.

I smirked, going to my normal form. "Okay!" I said because I knew that he would give me a real fight.

Justin and F got out of the way as Papa flew over and landed in front of me. We got in a fighting stance. My tail wrapped around my waist again.



Papa, not holding back, turned into Super Saiyan 2. I smirked and did the same. Papa flew forward and punch me in the face. I looked straight at him, with his fist in my face. I kicked him away in the side.

Papa quickly flew back and threw another punch. I dodged and elbowed him in the back. Papa quickly turned kicked me in the side. I growled. I unwrapped my tail and slapped him away.

Papa stopped and charged up, "Kame!"

I did the same.





Papa's Kamehameha came towards me, and my Cosmic Wave went towards Papa. They hit each other, and we both charged up the best that we could to try and hit each other. Papa was stronger. Our screams were loud. The Kamehameha was coming closer.

"Is her power level raising?" I heard Vegeta.

"It is," F said.

"Galatic Saiyan..." Justin mumbled. "This is too risky."

"No, she needs to be able to control in. Let her change," F stopped Justin from yelling at us to stop.

I screamed even louder as I felt my power level raise like yesterday. I could feel my eyes change color, and my hair spiked up a little more. My hair also grew a little. My hair turned into a galaxy color as well as my eyes. My tail unwrapped and changed color. I shook slightly as I pushed myself by putting more energy in Cosmic Wave.

"What is that?!" Vegeta snapped.

"She called it Galactic Saiyan," F told him.

My Cosmic Wave pushed forward and broke through the Kamehameha. Papa quickly jumped back as the galaxy colored energy blast passed him. He stared at me with wide eyes.

My body shook as well as my outstretched arms. I stared at the sky. I felt my power going down as my eyes closed.

"(Y/N)!" I heard F call out as I felt my body it the ground below me.

(The picture is Justin.)

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