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"hey!wake up Ethelwynn!!"Charlie was on top of me!

"get off me JESTER!!!"Charlie pushed me aside and that's when i realized we were about to reach Spain.everybody was getting back to their seats and the crew was preparing for landing.

"enjoyed your sleep,huh?fanguy will be impressed cause his bae looks like an angel when she sleeps!don't you think it's unfair fanguy gets taste of everybest thing?? best in soccer...tooo looks and now will get to sleep right next to my honeybun!suerte!"Charlie was looking at me as i in a minute or so he'll loose me completely!

"what's wrong,Charlie!he's not my 'BAE'"i try to punch him hard but it was of no use .all these years...he knows exactly when to duck!

"ohoh!looks like i came right into a ring huh?"Ansel said from the back. Jesus! i should thank Ansel for being my lifesaver these days!i understand that Charlie has no interest in Cristiano but cursing him won't help!

Ansel smiles back"so what's the burning topic?"

"oh, well it's nothing! you have any plans for tonight?"i ask Ansel. others in the clan will be busy tonight but Ansel and I have been to Spain for a day earlier to set things right at the house we'll be sharing now.

"no-you got any?"he asks

" yeah,we can check the party houses around and walk by the coast and decide what to do next for those shoots of yours!" I really want him to come along..we need to talk.

"yeah,we can do this" he cheerfully agrees."i just hope Harper has no plans for us"

"oh she must be having for the days after but tonight she's busy with the forms and setting stuff" I had asked Harper earlier and she was okay with the idea.

"hurry up !we've ordered cab-Charlie wake up! MR.JESTER we need to hurry!!"

Ashley and Marius get the formalities done and we get into the cab to our dream house-Spain-BUENOS DIAS!!


I see Ansel trying to braid Harper's hair while she unpacks her stuff. they are seriously made for each other. both quite and cute, extremely beautiful. you cannot keep your eyes off Ansel in his shoots! and they love each other a lot!

"stop doing that, KEN BARBIE DOLL!!"Harper laughs and runs her hand through his hair.

"uhmm..i hope i'm not disturbing people!!"I say "of.course you guys  can continue this now-A room is totally yours-if you remember!"

"i'll have to go Harper-I'll be back in a hour or two.don't stay up late."Ansel says and plants a kiss on Harper's head."let's go,Ethel."we cross Ashley laughing her heart out because of something Charlie had just said and start our time of endless talks on the 'not so familiar'streets of Madrid.


"it's good here you talk about..umm" i don't know how to start.

"I know it's Charlie.he's harsh -on you,i mean."Ansel completes for me.

"see,i'm seriously not understanding his reason for being so angry and always changing the topic when i talk of meeting seems like somehow he is jealous...but jealous of me meeting Ronaldo?why?"I ask and we stop by a corner and sit there at a bakery.

"you don't get it,do you?" Ansel suddenly sounds too serious.

"what!i think you don't get it!" I try to control myself but i can't stop my tears.

"so,you did not know,right?"

"what did i not know?"i ask-already tired of this suspicious game.

"Charlie loves you,Ethel. he has loved you ever since you met him."Ansel answers.

suddenly i feel as if i have just lost my breath and am drowning with a sack of endless burden on my chest!i cannot believe this!something is wrong...Charlie-we were best friends and i remember when i asked him who he was that girl from Connecticut or nobody!then how..why?

"it's not possible,Ansel!remember we are best friends and if yes!this is not true!" i feel my voice rising as the man at the booth turns around to check the speaker.

"everyone knows.remember the day we went to see the midnight sun at cape Nordkinn ...we did not want to go there-you know we get to see midnight sun almost every year from Stephen's  excursion but he wanted to propose you and confess that day-and when the show was at its peak ,you wished for  Cristiano to be by your side-it just broke his heart and...he never said what he wanted to say for the past years.Ansel completes and takes my hand-" I think you cannot help it cause he blames himself for this."

"I think we should go back and i'll ask him."i say

"don't do will just break him more.i asked him to confess his feelings to you but he just said that he would say this to you when you'll be done meeting Cristiano " Ansel says as we walk back."hey,don't cry!it's not your fault!"he tries to console but i cannot stop myself.i feel broken-i suddenly feel guilty of not understanding when he said that he hoped for us that day.i took it to be the never came into my mind that he ...that he would love me so!

As we enter,Ash comes to ask the reason behind me crying but Ansel stops her.thanks Ansel. i seriously am not feeling to answer their questions.what will i do now?and as if it was not enough for today,we have three bedrooms here and Harper and Ansel share one ,Ashley and Marius the other...and I and-Charlie!!

we can never be the same again.knowing that he loves me but i wanna be friends-it's just to much.hope things soon turn out to be right.

oh  yes...just to add a bit more of trouble,Marius reminds me and wishes me luck for the shoot tomorrow.the shoot that will decide my life ahead.and what I have done for it-exactly nothing!


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