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I was staring at the room ceiling,my eyes fixed at nothing. we had arrived hear an hour ago-a small unknown street in Paris,where Jaxon lived with his Grandma. 

but what she told us was unbelievable. Cris was still in shock. and i was hoping that Elemer will live after I tell him this.

Jaxon was actually he couldn't speak. he stopped doing that soon after he left Elemer and Twain. that was so strange.

first-his grandma was so overprotective..she did not allow us to meet him. Cris tried a lot. after that...when she did,Jaxon did not talk. he did not believe we were his brother's friends.

he did not know who Cris was...nor did his Grandma know. so Cris maintained his record as my boyfriend. 

The lady was nice,though. she had let us stay for the night,because our hotel was on the other side of the city . She thought of us as runaway lovers,anyway.

i had shown her the pictures Twain had given....and she was pretty excited to meet her.she thought of Twain as 'vintage beauty'.

Cris was totally comfortable in the house..he was spending time with Jaxon...teaching him how to play football.little did the boy know he was playing with one of the best players. but trust me ,it was so better this way. 

no body knew us. no putting on your best smile for people when all you want to do is a long walk through the streets.

And the joke was on me. I had crossed the god damn city to message my Elemer about his brother. I had had a surprise in mind for the sweetest yet bravest yet fierce Twain. and Jaxon....the boy of the brave Elemer had gone MUTE!! I felt so devasted.

i had no words for the next step. which was calling Charlie...eventually talking to Twain.

I couldn't. 

but there was always one person,right?

I knocked on the door to get his attention. it was around midnight and he was writing something. his journal.

I had just come from having a BIG BIG CONVERSATION with granny.and I so wanted to talk.

"hey Ethel. you feeling sleepy?"he says,getting up to pull off the sheets for me to slip in.

"no.not at all...i just wanted if you want. "i say,picking the right words.

"okay. one thing i have learned in my 39 ex experiences is-when girls say they wanna talk...they are DEADLY SERIOUS. and you are mine now. taking care comes before the beauty kisses,right?"he says,slipping in the sheets himself."we can talk. come."

And i knew it. i knew we were never gonna fight. we shared our thoughts and even when we didn't,he got out of his comfort zones. football guys just rock!

"he is Mute,Cris. how do we tell this now?"

"that,my love,is the fate. sometimes you need to lead things  your way. yourself. like when we play a match and it doesn't work the way we planned it..we don't call it defeat. after mind...we use what our heart says. but when that does not work's ball and Jesus."he says,stroking my hair.

"what do i do?"

"you do what your heart says the moment you ring Charlie. its a fact,love.he loves you too. they do. they will be proud instead of being disappointed. besides-Jaxon will speak as soon as we get Elemer here. sleep tonight. guess what?i will sing a country song to you. my mother used to do that,too. its real lucky!he says,placing his arm under my head.

"its really lucky,boy!"i say,laughing at his accent.

"it takes time,lady!"he says,starting with his song. 

to be honest ,i did not get a word. but that night was 'Heaven'. 


Hello readers. im sorry. for the late update. but i really have some connection problems. i'll be heading back on 3rd and this is my last update before i leave for hostel. so good luck for these months of your life. i really am sad to leave it this way but i really hope to see the reads go '1K'.

make that happen,please. duh,im a JERK. but thats who i am. bye bye!

-Ethel's storyteller.😍😚😇😿😹🙋👰💋💞💝

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