Which one?

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Cristiano Ronaldo walked back to the dressing room, his happiness cclearly shining through his soul. the way he had just addressed the media was a clear sign the man of the night was in his best mood.

meanwhile, a silence had filled the heart of the rest of the Madrid team, Bale almost in tears. Marcelo wasn't willing to speak to Cristiano at all.

and just like in a tense match , Zindane took it on himself to pull all of them together.


(Jorge's POV){Cristiano Ronaldo's manager}

with all the media channels requesting for interviews, I could sense that the day is going to end up as a tiring one. and also, with the win, the portuguese holds an important position in the team and for the fans.

a firm hand tapped my back.I looked around, and It was Zinadane Zindane or as I call him what the world calls him'ZIZOU'

I was expectring a victory hug or something but instead , he asked me to spare a few minutes and took me to the dressing room. I thought there would be celebrations and beer bottles. instead,  the squad and the staff all sat with doomed expressinons , Marcelo's eyes shut tight as if in prayer.

Zindane walked me over to the corner andimmediately i knew something was horribly wrong as Zindane never lost his calm but right now, he was playing with his cufflinks and creating a very intense atmosphere with his tensed expresiion.

i could no longer help myself. i asked him in a stiff tone. 

he told me about the accident and how ethel had suffered and was in the hospital with Jmaes. all i could think of was how jesus could be merciless to cristiano on such a night. 

we all came to the conclusion that it will take time for ethel to heal but she will surely be back. but the problem was how to inform cristiano about it. the boy who was the only key to our championship would break apart.

but to lie would be no good. he needed to know.


He came in walking through the door. And i felt nothing but  regret. And guilt. His shirt was all red...blood...n a long gash ran through his chest..all the way to the waistline. It was perfect..as if somebody had carved it over him. But it seemed so unnaural on him. He was the best i could ever have...so innocent,loving and a man so pure at heart. 

But at that moment...his eyes had a secret..which couldn't be hidden for long from the eyes who now knew him like a clear soul.

My eyes could see the violence.

And it disturbed me . Within.where my heart held his,i heard all of it break like glass.

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