Welcome home.

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i tried understanding this truth completely before we reached. the jerk and the brother were running an organization that goes on killing people daily for exactly no reason but this fake belief that one day they will be crowned as the kings with million slaves(to be sure, of course girls)and will rule this whole damn world!

but why me? this question was killing me! i had nothing useful-no money, special training in SNOW? A BIG FAT NO! seriously Russia?

we went on and on for few more hours and i wished we kept going. at least someone back home would reach here by then. but how the hell will they get to know i'm in RUSSIA?

i was counting on the clan.completely. they know me well. they should not let mom know of this. she'll be completely finished.not now,please.

i sat there, on the soft couch, wondering about life ahead....maybe i'll be a slave like other girls or a fighter like few. a serial killer, suicide bomber....or a cook in their bloody kitchens maybe!

i heard a knock on my door. crew.

"we have reached. come to the hallway."the bearded man said. i followed him. everyone had assembled near the exit. someone grabbed my hand fiercely.

"you will not get off alone. your beauty will force them to savor you. you know, they are trained to become the finest yet fierce animals of all time."Ian whispered in my ear, not letting go of my hand. not even loosening his grip a bit.

Elsa came and stood behind me as the doors opened. cold air rushed by all of us, blurring our vision. we were in Russia, for sure. 

we were told to step off the submarine. i climbed the exit stairs, not enjoying the view of cold clouds above. everyone was appreciating the so called 'LESS' winter weather. as soon as i saw the grounds, my mind , heart and practically body-all froze.

there were frozen grounds as far as i could see....with temporary camp settlement over them, spread in a vast area. thousands of people were standing there to welcome us with there stares. must be wondering a new group of sleeper cells, of course. there were army look alike tanks all around the place, doing there job to guard their place. 

as soon as i stepped on the cold frozen lake, people surrounded me and we started walking quickly to the center of the camp. my one arm was interlocked with Elsa. i don't know why she was trying to prove her love to me now. she was giving her best smile. Ian was clutching my other arm. as we walked past everyone, men and women dressed in black and blue-every single of them acknowledged Ian by bending on their knees and placing their fists over their hearts.

Perfect rule maintained, i must say.

there were so many injured people in the groups. as we got closer to the center, i even saw red patches over snow. blood?

a man who had a big scar across his face came to us.

"lord is coming to meet her, sir."he said, in the best tone possible. Russian accent. native.

"i will meet him in a minute."Ian said and then suddenly raised his voice."Twain Martin!"

a girl with blonde hair braided back, beautiful to say came towards us, clearly stressed out.

"Majesty."she said, doing the respect action by bending and placing her hand over her heart.

"keep her with you. wait here till Inger comes. tell him i'm resting. don't .LOOSE . her."he said, shoving me roughly towards her. she grabbed me before i lost my front jaw set.

"thank you." i said, looking her in the  eyes.she seemed kind.

"oh, it's alright. have to do it all day. I'm Twain. field server."she said, stroking back her braid. she is pretty.

"i'm Ethel.Ethel Chalmers. Ian and Inger were in my school."i said.

"still they did this to you?oh my god!"she said, patting my back. she looked tensed.

"what?what did they do?"i asked her.

she did something with her eyes that seemed like she is sorry for whatever happens next. she tried answering but a loud drum beat stopped her.

Inger's welcome beat. i guess. i watch him coming, now seemed more muscular than usual and really annoying to watch for long. he did all this. to these people he did injustice to this white land! He is a disgrace to Norway.

he looked at me. our eyes met. i could not control my anger. i screamed on top of my voice-"Ga tel helvete, Inger!"

and soon i realized that was the worst mistake my stupid tongue had ever done. thousands of men raised their guns , pointed at my head and a a felt a whip on my back. i wailed in pain. never had i thought it could hurt so much. the cold added worse. i was wearing only a layer of cloth and then my underclothes. the dove gray bra underneath. to make it fun, they stripped of my shirt, whistling while it was torn out.it was so pathetic! that feeling of missing home with a struggling brain, broken heart,sizzling back, thousands of men staring at you while some strip your shirt off you, leaving you in your dove gray bra in middle of Russia's cold desert. that's what is happening to my once- so - blessed-life.

they took me by my hair to a wooden pole and and tied me with ropes and stinking frozen weeds. gross .Inger stood in front of me, half a meter away, absorbing my bare body by his crucial eyes, stroking his fingers over my stomach eventually.

i said in my broken voice, throat tired of screaming, finished."Jesus is watching, Inger. this is a Sin! Forstar du det?"i said, ending it up with bloody spit and Norwegian swearing.

"i see it ,Ethel. but i see you body too. i see the good i will get WITH you, dear. don't you worry. it won't hurt."he said.

"why me?"i said, choking up on each word.

"see, you need to get it.many reasonable ideas were put together to choose you. this is your home now. your church. worship me. worship Ian. LOVE  me.you were chosen as-first, you are build strong enough to a verbal battle. we needed that.second, i love you.third is this."he said, shoving a picture of Cris right in front of my eyes."you have a reason to work for us. you refuse, he is dead that very moment."

i felt my heart sink right there.

i have no life left. no option. only one ting is ahead-Survival. with Inger and Ian and killing, of course.

Should i trust you , Jesus.


Dear readers, 

as you can see, the above video shows the loved worldwide Jelena. well, i really want them to be back. this video reminds me of Aanya Tandon, a great author and of course the closest to perfection. ILY. if you like the video and want Jelena back, do comment and tell. we got some stuff to discuss!

and for the chapter, so far it's my best try. this was hard to write! sorry for any mistake in it. please do vote!suggestions are welcome.love you all.

Sending your way tons and gallons of love(extra to Justin and Zedd)

                                                                     - Ethel's storyteller.

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