Happier Than Ever Before!

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I hugged Cris as we got off the car. oh my god! I didn't care about being in the news anymore. I just wanted to hug him over and over and over again. we were seriously staying in the hotel with the cast and 'LEO DICAPRIO'!

Before Liam could even step out of the car, I stood there with my best smile . I so wanted to hug him.and I guess it was written in my face because he hugged me a second after. And at that moment I wanted my whole clan with me. doing the same.

I went after Cris in the hallway and hugged him from back, scaring him. I heard Cameras take a shot of the moment.

"Ethel, to be exact it's the 27th time you are hugging me in this day!"he says, lifting me up in his arms in front  of the damn reporters. everyone gasps.

I whisper in his ears-"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!"my voice alarmed.

"Making it easy for you to hug me. For as long as you want."he says, not stopping while the cameras clicked shots after shots of me in his arms, hiding myself completely. wonder what will happen when his fans-especially when his 'girl' fans will check the news tomorrow. what will make the headlines?-'LOVING IN THE CITY OF LOVE'!

Liam said goodbye as he went his way to the floor above us. he told me Leo had his room on the same floor as ours. and that send a shiver through me. all these years I have watched his movies over and again a hundred times. I will be meeting him now!

the man who brought our luggage in the wide room excused himself as he closed the door behind him. and finally Cris let go of me as he dropped me suddenly on the bed, collapsing next to me.

"you gave them a BIG GREAT MONEY show there!"I said, turning myself to his face.

"that was just a kind act for you. you so wanted to thank me for this by hugging me over and over again...I decided to do it myself. but I must say, you have gained weight, lady!"he says, getting up to switch on the lights all around the suite.

"you are such a gentleman always...gentleman NEVER talk of a Lady's weight!"I said, pulling him over me."and just so you know, I gained weight because of you!you keep taking me out for dinner and make me eat so much!"

He looked at me with amusement in his eyes.and then suddenly pressed his lips to mine. nobody had ever kissed me like that before.

"what?"I asked as we broke apart for air.

a mischievous grin appeared on his face.

"we are in Paris, young lady. beautiful and young."he said, almost a whisper-and kissed me again.


I was jumping around the suite, enjoying the soft push the cushion bed gave me and opened the wardrobe like a beast, forgetting all my lady like manners. after all, just a minute ago Leonardo Dicaprio's manger had called. he had invited me in his own suite! I slept for couple of hours before and at that time Cris had already met him. Cris told me he even had a gift for me. and I was so excited!

but as I looked for some elegant dress, I discovered I needed a lot of dresses. I will be meeting so many people in this coming week, and then in three-four days we will get to know where Jaxon lives. this morning I got a mail from the agency of Russia saying they had captured Ian's forces. but Inger was executed at that moment. I told them about Twain and Elemer, and they had asked me to send them pictures. I did. and they promised not to execute both of them.

I am shocked myself by my feelings but somehow I miss Inger. it's a completely weird thought...after what he did, but he was so charming at Stephens. 

I chose the golden  dress for meeting Jack Dawson. that's what I like calling him. 

after a war between my hair and my hands, I stepped out of the king size rest room, and a group of men turned towards me. I felt so embarrassed...but then I saw their faces and I relaxed. Bale along with James , Marcelo and Morata had come for the meeting too. Cris had informed me earlier.

"Oh Jesus!you got a sizzling 'shimmering' girlfriend there, Cristiano!"James exclaimed as he got up to hug me. 

"you look a perfect gentlemen yourselves, boys"!I said, acknowledging all of them. they were dressed in tuxedos, accept Cris, who was still in his shorts and polo shirt.

"aren't you coming along?"I asked Cris.

"Nope. I'm just gonna take a shower and watch some match clips of the national team. European tour is up next and I was asked to review last matches. I haven't done it yet so i got a country call!you enjoy. James please escort her to Leo's suite."he says, grinning at Bale.

Bale winked at James.

"what?"James said, raising up his hands.

they all chuckled among themselves. I gave Marcelo a confused look.he answered.

"did James ever tell you he had a crush on you?"he said, startling me completely.

After getting the sentence, i looked at James. he was actually blushing!

"I'm giving it up for my best friend, guys!I couldn't help it!she is beautiful!"he said as Cris took my hand and placed it in James's. 

"take her for  a walk but that's it!"he said, hugging James.

and then with my hand in James's, I walked out for the best day of my life.


Hola Readers!

Thank you for reading my story and keeping my will for writing this story alive! before writing this story I never really realized how important the role of a reader can be. please please tell me(msg me) if you have any suggestion for the betterment. In few days I will have to put this story to a rest because of my school starting again. though till then I will try updating as much as possible. Please pray for me my heart and my scores in mathematics exam because I suck at math. Jesus might listen to you and send peace my way in any form possible. be it a friend seated by my side in examination;D(i know that will never happen to a person like me-always in trouble!)

whatever, I will not disgust you by talking math anymore. thank you for being so amazing.

Love You All-Tons and gallons of luck your way along with the million euro smile above in the picture.

*WINK**WINK*Did the picture strike you?it's from the very lucky day on which Justin posted a picture in this dress of Selena Gomez and stated her as world's most elegant princess. 

Jelena forever and ever till the world lasts.

                                                                              -Ethel's storyteller.

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