Long gone.

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(Charlie's POV)

"take me to her house, Ashley"I heard myself say, over and over again..i had to get over her...last week, we had spent so much time together..but  it just ended all my hopes.

we fall in love with people we can't have, and that is the truth behind life. why it is so, i don't know. i don't want to know. Ashley keeps explaining to me, saying that i should move on...should keep faith. that i will learn to lopve someone else....but i know why she is able to say so. it's because she has given her life to the oparties, to the night life. because she was once broken, shattered like a glass. she won't ever try falling in love again.

but i can't let go of Ethel. i have loved her for so long. and even if i do, atleast i gotta make sure the man she loves keeps her safe, keeps her life her ownself.

i don't regret saying this. i'm jealous. i hate Cristiano. he has everything possibly achievable...fame, love, game..everything. and he has the best girl on this planet. 

now I'm scared to love her. i have an option of moving my business to Norway because she won't ever be my wife, she won't be there by my side when i come home after a tough day. she will be gone. but I'm scared to love her...because she won't love me back. but I'm even more scared of walking away. i know she is a strong woman. but it feels like it's a responsibility to keep her safe and happy. 

will he do that, with all the soccer matches and fame and money?

i don't know. 

but she chose him.

Ashley drives the car smoothly through Ronaldo's house gates and we get into the driveway. it's 2.a.m. the time is odd but i know she will understand.

i get off the car even before it stops. Ashley parks it and follows. i knock on the bedroom window.

"we can always ring the be-"i cut Ashley.

"we don't have time for that."

she stays silent. Ethel comes over the window , and Ronaldo follows.

"hey, Charlie?Ashley?come up the front door!"she says, running towards the door."you could have told me to come! what's wrong it's late and...what is it, Charlie? you have ben crying!"

she runs her fingers through my hair, only it hurts now. "i'm sorry Ethel, but i'm not here to talk to you. can i have a moment with Ronaldo, please?"i say, removing her hand from my cheek. she gets startled for a second but nods and goes inside. Ashley follows her into the house. Ronaldo comes outside, shocked himself and takes me near the pool recliners. we sit by the pool side, and that's when i notice that he has a liquor bottle in his hand. he has been drinking?

"Bacardi?"i ask, not really ready to drink more. my head was already hurting a lot after Ashley's party. i could not loose more control if i wanted to say something serious.

"umm yeah. bacardi 151. want some?"he says, offering a sip.

"no, i have had enough for tonight....i thought you did not drink before matches!"

"it's just a stress releasing thing. don't tell Zindane, though!"he says, make me laugh a little. he was cool about things tonight. i think he is already high.

"what was it you wanted to talk about, Charlie?"he asks, placing a friendly hand over my shoulder.

"it's Ethel..."i stop, hesitating. he tells me to go on. "Ronaldo..you know i have reached the edge. i know she would never want me..i know she won't love me the way she loves you. but i can't move on. i can't simply leave her and act like it doesn't matter or i don't care or i have lost it all. i am sick of trying to convince her or sick of trying to convince myself for what is the truth..i just want to make sure that she remembers me,that she  won't forget me after.."i say, getting lost.

"after we marry?"he says, looking at with me carefully.

I never knew he thought of marrying her.

"yeah, put it that way. sometimes i just wish i had a second chance to meet her again for the first time i..just take care of her, buddy. she has been saving everything for meeting you. she is happy. you make her the happiest. she always used to say that one day, she will be safe for all her life, away from any trouble. and it would be done on the day she will meet you. make her a priority. make her laugh. and never ever lie-she hates that..umm that's it buddy. gotta sleep now. Ashley!let's go back dear!"i say , getting up and walking towards the drive way, calling Ashley so that we could leave. it's done. he loves her, i was a fool to say it all.

"Charlie!"Ronaldo comes running after me and holds me by my shoulders, forcing me to face him.

"i promise you. i promise you i will do anything possible to keep her happy and safe. you don't have to cut off or something...your clan is the reason she is alive...i'm just the second. here, come on for a hug, dear."he says, taking me into a hug, and after quite a lot time, he let go."consider me your brother. you make a big difference in my life thanks. it's great to have you around. you don't have to worry and why don't you sleep here tonight?"

i refuse and thank him for listening me out. Ashley is already in the driving seat and Ethel is nowhere around as i scan the garden.

"i will wish her goodnight, Charlie."Ronaldo says, closing my passenger door. then he says something to Ashley, something about driving close by the adjacent street and waves as we move out the gates.

it was definitely not what i wanted.

Ethel is gonna marry. but she won't be marrying me.

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