Caucasus Emirate.

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Now is the time i get to be free, i thought, recalling Ian's message. i was in the house all to myself till evening, and then there is a dinner with the team. only players and girlfriends/wives. i was pretty excited for the evening but could not get the message off my mind.

i decided to call Charlie.

"hello, Charlie boy?"

"yes, Ethelwynn. how is it going?"

"oh great. and how is your witty brain?"

"oh it's good.thinking about you all day!"

"where is Meg?"

"at her family vacation house in France!!!!!!!"

"chill boy! you always got the old gran at bakery!

"oh yeah! so how is fan-guy?"he says,his voice full with excitement.

"he is super hot!"i say, coming back to what i wanted to say."Charlie, i got a text yesterday."


"yeah. it said that he will be in Portugal for me....but why??"

"you know i saw Elsa yesterday. at a restaurant after coming back from work."

"what!!!!!!!!!this ain't possi-"he cuts me.

"i know! but i'm a hundred percent sure! soon she got in a black SUV and sped off the streets! but its her. she is not dead. and she is in Spain! something is up!!"

i hear JR. calling out for me.

"i will call you back later."

"just be careful, Ethel."and the line goes dead.

i realize how much i wanted to hear this from him.

i go and talk to to Jr for a while.. he is a cute, normal kid....a big fan of Suicide squad!and of course, football!

he is also crazy about his daddy! and he is just so similar to him...i decide to call Cris.

after a ring or two he picks up.

"Hola, garotinho!"he says, exhausted."i have been waiting for this one call from past three hours!Fabio will kill me by his stupid talks!!"

"hold on, Mr. Send my love to Fabio, though."

"to Fabio??why?"

"he is killing were about to kill me-last night. you remember?"

"of course! well, looks like Garotinha you don't know what killing is to me."

"then explain."

"that can only be done when the victim is around, Ma'am. tonight maybe."

"okay, then . i will wear my best dress . bye. esta noche."

"bye.Tu mejor noche para estar seguro."he says and keeps the phone.

yeah, my best night-so he promises.

i sit all day, watching TV, walking around his big house. i sleep for an hour but then go out on the beach for a walk.

the weather was pleasant. not many people were there. the sun was beginning to go down. i was enjoying and singing this Spanish song to myself when someone pulled me hard into an alley.

I struggled to get a view- Ian Fermino.

he had kept a hand on my mouth, making me suffer more as i tried biting doesn't affect him even a bit.

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