Eu te amo!

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i go up on the roof...and there are endless talks about the house. i cannot stop smiling, thinking of the party and overwhelming!

we sit there and talk for some time and then i see him coming....shirtless!!!

"what the, is this ...oh my god!" Harper exclaims. everyone of us looks so shocked...he looks like a golden....masterpiece!perfect!so beautiful!

"i did complete the challenge, dear cat!"he says...coming to hug me. i hesitate but go on, i could feel everyone's  stares. his bare skin beneath my hands...i got lucky today!

we sit down, talk and eat and laugh...turns out that Cristiano goes along the can pretty well.we as him many questions about his celebrity life and here is how it goes-

the clan(TC):how many girls have you dated?

Cristiano(CR7):39 or 38...not sure of it.

TC: have you been on a world tour?

CR7: No.

TC: are being transferred to a Chinese club?

CR7: NO ! don't do that to me!

TC: you got 19 cars?

CR7 : it's 21 now.

TC: you Kissed Kim kardashian?

CR7: when did this happen?

TC:you dated Paris Hilton?

CR7: what? no!how?i mean....what??

turns out there is nothing true on blogs and sites. huge disappointment for gossip lovers.

he is a great person, this is for sure. he loves dancing , spending time with people just like us. just like normal people. that's what he says. he says he is normal.but he is not normal to me.

never to me. he changed my life completely. this might seem a joke or act to others but he made my day everyday. i knew that someone out there is ready to face challenges...just like i did all my life. he gave me hope. that there is much in life to live for.

i told him all my fan-following experiences and how we waited for so long until his next Instagram post!

it was all just so well. we had fun after so long. at that moment, i felt like i'm the happiest person alive. time passed by laughing, drinking endlessly when everyone was just so high! that's when Cristiano speaks up...

"i remember the day i left friends back there said that we won't meet back again. i never get time to spend with my family... but you guys made me feel like family. thank you for that . i love you guys. thank you for being there.

"oh you are welcome! we would have never met if not of Ethel."says Charlie.

"oh yes!"joins Ansel.

it's good to see that the clan is happy with my decision. they have always trusted me with their choices. i love them!

"i love you guys! you have been amazing, supportive and just the best these days!" i say.

"well, won't you thank Cristiano? " Harper says, i feel myself blushing. not now.

"yes, won't you do that to me love?" Cristiano asks.

i am so nervous...i don't know why but he looks so good at this moment. faint light brightening up his face....his lips curved up into a sweet smile....hands over his glass...he's everything.

" you are..the best person I've ever met."i take time to choose the words. i feel my voice breaking down...a sign i will soon be crying-"and i....i love love you the most." i break down." everyone is just so quiet...the silence makes me more nervous and then it happens and this time everyone watches.

Cristiano pulls me in, towards him and strokes my hair back...consoling me. then he says what i still doubt if i heard it right.

"i love you, Ethel. i'll keep you safe, always."he kisses me. i hear everyone clapping. all of it is too much for a day!

soon we finish up the food and drinks and except me and Harper everyone is just so drunk...we hardly reach the rooms when they start collapsing. i help Harper place them too bed and she goes to sleep too.

i go over too my room and see Cristiano on the coach. yeah, one more yet to go!somehow we reach till the bed and i lay him over it, removing his watch and shoes and phone and ...i don't know if he wears his ring and sleep or removes it like i do.i leave it up to him in the morning!

i lay beside him...feeling just so great...thinking about all the dreams i had . i waited for this very moment for so long! i did every possible job to earn for the tickets. from dog walking to singing in Oslo nightclub...everything!

mom still doesn't know about all this. i think i should call her but Cristiano is sleeping. he might wake up. so i just lay there. wondering about life ahead. wondering about this, us.

i touch his hand lightly and in his sleep, he lifts my hand and keeps it close to his heart. what is he dreaming about?

i get so surprised by this, i feel my tears coming up again. but i cannot move right now. not when he is sleeping so peacefully, like an angel.

5:00 A.M.

"eu te amo."i hear someone whispering. i wake up, surprised to find Cristiano just over me.

"hey, it's me. don't make noise!others are still sleeping!!"he says, his eyes looking into mine."i have to leave at 6:00 but i wanted to give you a morning tour around the city...wanna come?"he asks.

how can i refuse.

we get ready,he puts on his jeans and a white shirt and i wear a jeans and a tank top. my first day of work. photographing him throughout the day. would be fun today.

"what if people saw us?" i ask him.

"oh, they should know that Cristiano has found his girl!"he says, holding my hand as we walk down the lane. 

did he just say that?

the lane is quiet and stadium is just a few kilometers ahead. it's so beautiful in the morning...never had i imagined walking the Madrid streets with Cristiano.

"can i call you Cris?"i ask him

"of, course! i like it! Sergio calls me the same. he is the captain of the team, you know."he says, looking at me.

"and I? what am I to you?"i ask, waiting how he would answer this.

"you rule my heart, Ethel Chalmers"he says, holding my hand tighter than he would never let it go.


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