Nothing Holding me back.

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I could tell the hotel we were staying in was the best in Paris. everywhere there were signboards telling directions to different celebrities staying here. as the elevator came into view, James explained me the directions to Leo's room and went up the elevator to his own suite.

I asked several times from passerby. the hotel was so crowed with celebrities and their HUGE crews.

after a back and forth queries, I reached to his door. In neat print, there was a note pinned which said' LEONARDO DICAPRIO.' I knocked at the door once. no answer. I knocked twice. no answer. someone once told me it's not polite to knock again and again so i took a brief pause. then i was about to knock again when the door suddenly opened.

A blonde stood there, on 7 inch high heels, so taller than me. she gave me a confused look.

from the room behind her came a voice. "who is it, Scarlett?"he said, as I heard the voice of running water.

"Sir I think it's the lady you wanted to meet. only she looks like a child.come in, sweetie."Scarlett said, leading me inside. I was a bit embarrassed, i have been refereed to as a child in my final year at Stephens too, despite of becoming homecoming queen.

the suite was much bigger than ours, with lots of wardrobes. I guess actors needed a lot of clothes.

the restroom door opened as Leo appeared. and I knew I had gone pale. I was not used to this life of fame and celebrities at all. not of being ladylike, either.

I tried saying something but the voice wouldn't come out. my expression must have said this because Leo came and took my hand, planting a kiss. he said something to Scarlett and she left us alone.We sat down on the couch, he got couple of champagne bottles and kept them on the coffee table. after a while, I spoke.just to words, though.

"JACK DAWSON." I gasped, still not believing myself.

"Ethel, you are a sweet girl! c'mon. let it all out. I'm not a great patient man."he said, passing me a glass of champagne.

I took a sip, the finest i had ever tasted.

"Oh my goodness! I had never ever imagined meeting you in this way. I'm sorry, sir. i speak a lot but I'M REALLY REALLY BIG FAN of 'TITANIC' . i love watching it over and again and I never get tired or bored by it. your charm...if I would have been Rose, I would have married you on the very ship, sir. oh my god! I still-you are amazing, sir. not just as Jack Dawson but as LEONARDO DICAPRIO too. my Mother  still has a huge crush on you and Johnny Depp!"I said, stopping to breathe.

"That's"he said, coming to sit next to me."Is The Most Amazing speech I ever heard, Ethel!"he says, hugging me, I was in Jack Dawson's arms. my mother will kill me if she knows!

"so you are here for the interview?"He said, taking a sip from his own glass.

"yeah. and I got some work too. you see, I got...kinda kidnapped to Emirates in Russia and there I found these two really amazing, heartwarming, brave people who wanted me to find their brother. they helped me escape and I had promised them. the boy lives in Paris with his aunt and his name is Jaxon."

"Yeah. I read it in the newspapers. you are up on all of them. not just for being Cristiano's girlfriend but also for escaping from world's most dangerous terrorist group. you are an inspiration for the young. I read somewhere that they are even planning to make a Disney movie on you!"he said, showing me a paper.

"thanks."I said, taking the document in my hand."what's this, sir?"

"it's the document that I received this morning.  I'm planning to produce the movie, if it happens!"he says, laughing at my dumb expression.

this was too much for a day.

"that will be awesome, sir. though I haven't received any doc. yet."

"that's because you aren't acting in it. we are looking for someone to play the role. any suggestions you got there?"he asks, taking out a phone number from the call records."if you ever want to talk to any celebrity, just give me a call."

there were rockets in my whole body. I so wanted to be that girl who knew every damn star in the industry.

"thank you, sir!"i said, jumping over him for a hug, forgetting all the etiquette thing.

"that's too less for you, Ethel. right now would you like coming along with me? I'm going to the hunger games cast suite. the crew wants to meet you too. Especially Jennifer."he says, offering me his arm.

how could I resist?


I had the best of my time with the cast. they were so much fun live!we talked for hours about celebrity dating and hook ups and Grammy's and Oscars. then they were down to their talks-their experiences with strange encounters and interview sickness and stuff I never thought could happen. I discovered that i got along with Jennifer pretty easily. 

I finally got to meet Suzanne Collins too. It sounded silly but i still asked for their autographs. in return , they exchanged phone numbers. after that, we went out for dinner, where Cris joined us too. there was a chaos on the many stars and a silly girl at a diner!

when we returned to the hotel, we had a karaoke battle too. in the end it was down to me and Josh-and the song was 'There's nothing holding me back'. I knew i would win because i knew the lyrics by heart.though even he knew them so we were up for another song.

the screen asked us for a favorable song and we asked Suzanne which song she would like to hear. her answer was straight- she wanted to listen to Justin Bieber. and i knew i am the winner already because i knew all by heart, too.

and I did. I won by singing David Guetta Ft. Justin Bieber 2U. 

but the reward was more shorts at the bar and I ended  super drunk. but I still had somebody who would care to take me back safely to the suite. and so he did. the night ended with endless kisses.

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