Not My Way.

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(James's POV)

The way Ethel was coughing blood was scaring me to death. at that particular moment, all i could think was how am i going to answer to Cris..and what will he do after knowing all of this. i helped Ethel get into my car and drove towards the closest hospital-Sanitas La Moraleja at jet speed. i checked Ethel's head or neck for any serious injury,luckily none. but a huge cut ran through her stomach covering her lower back as well and it was intensely bleeding. 

we managed to stop the blood by covering it with a piece of my now torn team jersey, and Ethel had finally stopped crying, narrating the whole incident to me. as soon as the hospital was in vies, i stopped the car and got Ethel out by placing both my hands under her knees and lifting her in my arms. it made me little uncomfortable, lifting my best friend's fiancee, but that was all i could do or else Cris will loose his soul too.

as soon a s we made an entry, the whole staff had made a chaos. i quickly took Ethel for the emergency check and treatment. and then, they closed the doors on my face, leaving me there, confused, tensed and scared to death. yes, she was Cris's girlfriend.and in a few days time, they will be married. but Ethel was a friend to me. a dear friend, who has silently helped the whole team by lifting up Ronaldo's spirit. losing her will be an unbearable loss. to me, to Cris, to the team-an unbearable loss to the entire world.

after filling the details,I checked my phone and yes, my fear had come true. Marcelo, Zindane had miss called for over a fifty times. I was about to call back when Zindane called. 


'yeah, i'm speaking, coach jus-'

"no you better hear out what we have to say! you cannot just run away being the in line substitute.and what exactly it is that was more important to you?"

'Is Cristiano anywhere around?' i asked hem, realizing it's time i informed someone about this. and of course, in no time, because of the hospital staff the media will know.

"he just went for the post match interview. we won."

', we don't have to tell this to him right now. I ..I took Ethel to the hospital,she met with an accident and..'

"Ronaldo's girlfriend?"Zindane repeated, surprised.

'yeah. should we tell him?'

there was silence for a moment."I think we stay there,boy. I will tell him..after the interview and I'm taking care of it. how bad is it?"

'she has injuries over her stomach and lower back and some internal bleeding. the internal bleeding is the worse part. she was coughing blood.'

"you stay there and oh lord! I'll tell him. call me back if in  need, James."

I just didn't know if this moment was to rejoice about our win and ticket to the finals or to mourn for whatever Ethel was going through inside. I asked the hospital staff to get me a pair of decent clothes and the security to keep the media off the building where I was to spend my time-hoping everything would fall back into normal. every second seemed to pass like an hour, and all the memories I tried to push away kept on coming back. 

and remembering the first day, I could not control myself. and I cried for the first time...not for  who I was or what I couldn't get...but for what my fate had done to me. 

I recalled how the very first day when we were training on the home ground, Ethel had showed up with her camera and innocent self. and how badly I wanted her. and I had my fingers crossed when Bale asked her who she was checking on-and I never looked at her with those feelings in my heart. I tried to forget her, to skip whatever my heart had felt, and to just consider her a friend or like a sister, who will be my best friend's wife in future.

but I can not forget feeling that way. 

I kn ow i will learn too, but I can not let her feel the pain she is feeling right now. and I know Ronaldo will not be able to see her this way.

he loves her, afterall.






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