The fight.

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We went inside the house. as soon as i stepped through the hallway, i could smell the pies. apple pies. my favorite. Charlie once showed me how to bake and...let's just put it as a Disaster in the bakery occurred that day.

"your room smells like lemons."Cris says, leading the way. when did he come in?

"you saw it?"i said.

"umm.. yes. i was...missing you . I'm sorry. i shouldn't."he says, his eyes suddenly filled with regret."are you angry?"

"NOO!of course not!it's yours as much as it's mine.and it smells of lemons because i keep the lemon scent. i like lemon's smell!"i say, trying to cheer up his mood. everyone left us in peace as we entered my room. it was the same, untouched. 

He sat on my bed as i opened my wardrobe .i will take a shower before going for the feast by Charlie. a surprise to him. does he even know i have come?

But the question that comes up every single time I open my wardrobe took over again. what should I wear from this mess?

I was examining the clothes when i heard him say"you need help?"

i was so thankful at that moment. i had him!

"yes please. what should i wear?"i said, waving my hand over the mess.

"first-we are going shopping tomorrow. second-why don't you show me some and then i cam choose for you?"

"sure!"i say, picking up the best ones. i showed them. he rejected both. i showed another four. he did not like them either.

"but what's wrong with the purple one?"i say, finally collapsing next to him.

"the problem is its too long for the occasion. and too common. you have a fragile figure. wear something that shows your curves!something that describes you better. not a floor length gown that wraps you within."he says, getting up to examine the wardrobe himself.

"perfect. found it!"he says, taking out the white lace dress. i had never worn it before. Ashley had gifted me on my 16th bday.

"no. it's too short!"i say, looking at him, pleading.

"that's what you need! go ahead. trust me it will be your only choice the next time!"he says, pushing me with the dress into the changing room.

looks like someone knows me better than i know myself.

i looked different in a good way. i looked...worth watching.

I stepped out, nervous by it's length , pulling it down.

And i knew i was looking beautiful. the way his expression changed when he saw me, it was like i was controlling him. my beauty was.

"umm...thanks Cristiano."i said, pulling him in for a kiss.

"after we parted, he looked at me. he touched my face as if to check if i really existed. 

"you took my breath out of me!i'm burning now!"he says, lifting me up in his arms.

we hear a knock on the door. the door was open, though.

Ashley saw us."i'm sorry to disturb but dinner is ready."she says, a big smile on her face. Cris held my hand as we reached the table. everyone was so happy! my mom was clicking pictures but my heart was aching. where was Charlie?Haze was at the table. she told me Charlie had something important to do. i left my plate untouched as everyone ate. 

I couldn't. half my soul was missing.


after about an hour, we heard the main door open. i ran to see him. delight all over his face, he hugged me so hard, choking me.

"oh Charlieboy! i missed you soo!"i said, punching him in his guts.

"and I missed you too!you look hotter than Hell's fire, i must say!you had the pie?"

"no. i was waiting for you!"i said while he took my hand and we ran back inside.

"where were you?"i finally asked as we sat on the table again.

he was looking somewhere, at Cris. he did not answer me.

Cris suddenly started to get up.

"what happened?"i asked Cris.i told him to sit back.

"what's all this?"i ask the people . none of them replied. not even Mom.

"Ethel. sit back. i have something to say."Charlie said, making his way to the center of the room. what was he doing. he returned to my seat. his hands behind his back. what was he hiding?

everyone had gone silent. this was scaring me.

Cris had stopped midway while drinking from his glass. Ashley was tugging on her dress again and again. she did this when she got nervous.but why?

I looked at Charlie. he was fidgeting with a box, his back towards me. suddenly, Mom got up.

"Charlie dear she is not rea-"she was cut by Charlie.

"Please ms. Chalmers. let me."

and then he got down on his knees. no. 

this was not happening. not now. it shouldn't.

i was trying to speak something. to stop him. but the words didn't come out.Cristiano was holding the glass with such a force, his knuckles turning white. his eyes filled with Rage.he got up, too.and so did I.

Charlie looked up at me, taking out a blue velvet box. he flipped it open, revealing a beautiful ring . a big Brazilian Paraiba Gem over it. forming a CE. our names.

"Ethel, you must allow me to tell how ardently I admire and love you.Distance means so little because you mean so much to me. allow me to be yours forever. i love you!"he says, taking my hand.

hot tears were continuously coming down my face. at one point, it got unbearable. 

"Marry me, Ethel. Marry your Charlie and be in a happy world fore-"i cut in him between with a scream, pulling my hand away.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, CHARLIE EIDE!I JUST...I CAN'T!HOW DID YOU EVEN COME UP WITH THIS...RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT WHEN I GOT ALL THE PEACE I WANTED?"I said, screaming."YOU DON'T GET IT. YOU BOYS WILL NEVER GET IT!"i said, looking at Cris . he was so angry. his eyes were looking straight at Charlie. like he would kill him.

"I told you to stay back!"Cris says, taking a step forward. Ansel pulled him back.

Charlie looked at him, a smirk on his face."you don't get to marry her!I watch you kiss her at lonely nights, i should be the one! i watch you buy her things from the best stores...i could do that someday too! taking her to matches...even Ian can do that! showing off your cars, money, fake love has tricked her into you!you are just a fucking fanguy! you will always be!you wh-"i cut Charlie in between by pushing him hard, pinning him on the wall. this could not get worse.

I whisper so that only he could hear it."Charlie don't you show this to me. he has got love. you were hurt. he'll bee hurt now!"i say, leaving him alone, running after Cris as he slammed the door shut.

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