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I woke up at the demonic hour!! i had to!Cristiano Ronaldo wants to meet me can i sleep?i look around the room and find myself on the bed's edge. with Charlie.oh yes,i remember him feeling lonely last night.he spices.i really did not want to wake him.right next to me where the roses by it did happen.i wonder what made him send me these flowers!!! i need to look nice today!

i take an hour to get ready today!!i really want to know why would world's best footballer call me in between of his practice.i go out,watching out by not stepping on Marius(he says he likes sleeping on carpets)and make some breakfast.i don't need to wake up anyone.they'll be waking up by 10 and i don't have much's already 9.i take a taxi and again,morning's already.10.will i be able to reach stadium before 11?

it's 10:50 when we reach there.i run and go when,at the door near the stadium opening,the guard stops me and asks me to show him my pass.Jesus!i had to be here at tour's time but Cristiano did not say anything about getting the tour's ticket!! i tried to explain this to the guard but he refused to believe me!

i was in such a big trouble....and then i saw James heading towards dressing room.i called out his name and the guards were actually pulling me from every direction and thank god he looked in my direction!!

"let go of her,max."James came and explained the guards and took me along.

for a moment there was silence and then i started."thank knew that Cristiano had called me?"

"oh yes everybody does.well, they are all waiting for you."James answered."you look fabulous! i'm afraid,he'll ask you today itself!"he says.what was

what did he mean by that???

"oh,here we are...wait for a minute.i'll ask Cristiano to come.have a good day!"he said and went inside.what did he mean? i was waiting outside when i saw Cristiano coming towards me and he was...he was not in his jersey.he was in a suit which Made him look like the king!!!

"Bom dia, look beautiful!"he came in for a hug.

"so do you!you look amazing,as always but were you not supposed to be in your jersey right now?"i ask him as he takes me outside.

"don't you like this?i took the day off so that we can spend some time."he said this so casually....C'mon!how would you feel if CRISTIANO RONALDO took a day off to spend some time with you??

we keep walking and then out of curiosity i ask him-"where are we going exactly??"

"oh,i'm planing to take you to some high point nearby."he says

"and how are we gonna go there?"

he takes out a key and that's when i see it.Ethel,today you are blessed as you'll be travelling with Cristiano by your side in Bugatti!!

we start and he tells me to keep my face low as media might spot feels great to sit beside him for so long.he speaks most of the time,telling me of his team and upcoming matches.we soon reach a place where it's just us and he stops the car near a lake.

"we can sit there,near the lake."he takes my hand and we run around to reach there through the thick's just awesome to be held by him!we sit there and for a minute i wonder if he's comfortable with sitting on the grass in this expensive suit but then,just like a kid does...he removes his coat and sit's there .i join him as well.

"i have been speaking all the tell me-do you like me?"he asks.

" should i...i like you a lot Cristiano."i hesitate before finally speaking it.

"well,i think i like you too."

"me?are you crazy??you deserve more!you're a superstar!!you deserve the PRETTIEST and SMARTEST girl!!"i say.How could he like me??he should not.

"you're no less.have you seen within you?by far you're the  most beautiful girl i have ever met."

nobody says a word for a minute and then,he moves close and puts an arm around passes a weird shiver through me.

"you comfortable?"he asks.i nod my head in a yes.we sit there for so slowly starts turning dark.we talk and talk of our likes and dislikes and what he wants for Christmas from Santa and how i love watching his interviews in Spanish even though i only get half of it in my brain!!

"you want to have some cognac?"He asks..

"yeah,it would be lovely in this weather.but how will you get them?"i ask.

"i have few bottles in my car...i'll get them."he says and runs to get them.we soon finish a bottle each and think of returning back before we get sozzled.while we were on the way....we start having it again and that's when we end up reaching the town near midnight.i don't remember we reached...where we's up to what Jesus did!!


i wake up with the sound of dogs barking.i find myself in a room with expensive silk sheets and i find myself still in last night's dress.what!!i look next to me and....that hand around me was not Charlie's. it was...oh oh..Cristiano's. the fact that we slept so close shocks me and i get up hurting myself.and i wake him up with my scream.

"oh dear....Ethel!!!are you...oh god did we drink a lot last night??"he asks me.he removes his sheet and yeah...only his chest is bare.

"yes i think....but we were....under control i guess."oh my god!!!what am i gonna say to the clan?i'm sure the idea of me sleeping with Cristiano will annoy Charlie!!

"oh,get ready...i'll drop you."we get ready quickly and i tell him the house's address.Harper was standing near the mailbox and she was shocked to see me!!!he said goodbye and asked me to call him when want to.everything was so out of my hands.


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