Chapter 39

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On Harrison's bye week, the family went kayaking on Lake Texoma. It wasn't that far of a drive from Dallas and in Carrie's Porsche, it felt like nothing.

"You better watch it."

Carrie glared at him before checking the odometer. She was going 77 in a 70 mph zone. "I'm not going that fast."

"You said that last time when you got pulled over coming to my game."

"Well unlike last time, this time I can see the median. They're aren't any trees or surprise corners."

"Alright sweetheart."

They passed a few more cars before she got back in the right lane. "Seriously, you're going too fast," he muttered as the odometer was now stuck at 80.

"Trust me okay? I know what I'm doing."

"I don't know about that. I'm a pretty good driver too."

"Who was the one who taught you how to drive a stick? And I can recall that coming in handy before."

"Stop it."

Carrie laughed. Before they graduated he went to dinner with her parents. She was out of town visiting with colleges. And after dinner, her dad got a little too tipsy and he ended up driving her mustang home.

"When I called that night, I couldn't stop laughing when you told me."

"Yeah it was a real blast," he muttered, not as enthusiastically.

She glanced at her mirror, seeing a white car coming up pretty fast behind them. Passing another car, she pulled into the right lane to let the white car go by. Taking another look, Carrie noticed a light mounted on the mirror. It was an undercover cop car.

"Ohh shit."

He looked over his shoulder, seeing the white car. Then he simply laughed. "Alright miss I'm not going that fast."

Seeing the car inch even closer, Carrie was just waiting for him to pull her over. The white car sped up to pass her. And as it passed by, the two cops in the front seat gave a thumbs up at her car.

Looking over at Harrison, she smirked. He bit his lip. "You got lucky."

"Ugh," she muttered, getting back in the left lane to follow the cop car.


They got to Lake Texoma a half hour later. And it was jam packed. Cars and boat trailers filled the entire parking lot. "Well then."

There was a spot on the edge of the road where a small car must've paralleled park in between two other cars. "You're not gonna fit in there."

"Watch me."

After driving by the spot, Carrie had her doubts. It was really tight. But she decided to give it a shot. There were no other parking spots relatively close to the lake. And the car had sensors that would tell her if she was real close to hitting another car.

She put the car in reverse, backing in slowly. As the back end made it far enough in, she straightened it out so it was lined with the other cars. "You're not gonna fit," she said mockingly.

"I'll hand it to you, that was pretty good."

"Well thank you," she teased, getting out to get Adam.

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