Chapter 50

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Carrie was two weeks past her due date. And she was freaking out. "Carrie it's going to be fine," he said, following her into the bathroom.

"Just what if this turns out to be like my first pregnancy?"

He hugged her. "It's not. Okay? She just isn't ready to say hi to her family yet."

She took a deep breath. "Okay."

"You almost ready?"

Carrie nodded, beginning to braid her hair. "I really don't want a C-section."

"I know."

Due to Carrie missing her due date by two weeks now, the doctors said it would be a good idea to induce her. But with the induction comes the big risk of her having to get a C-section.

"I'm ready."

Harrison took her hand and led her downstairs where they said goodbye to Adam and Carrie's mom Debbie. "Bye mommy and daddy."

"Bye little man," she said, kissing his forehead.

"You're going to have a little sister soon."

He smiled, patting Carrie's belly gently. "Sister!"

"We love you little man."

Turning to her mother, she said, "thanks mom for watching Adam. I'll have Harrison update you and when everything hopefully goes as planned you can bring Adam in."

"You're welcome Carrie. Good luck."

"Thanks mom. I'm going to need it."

With that, she followed Harrison out to the car. The whole ride he noticed she looked really nervous, and wouldn't look at him much. "Carrie it's going to be okay."

She nodded, still looking out the window. "You're going to be fine, our daughters going to be fine."

"I know."

Once they made it to the hospital, Harrison opened her door and helped her out of the car. "You ready for this?"

"I guess," she answered, leading the way inside.

It didn't take long for her to get a room and the induction process to actually begin. "Carrie, now that the process has begun, I'll be monitoring you a lot. And since this isn't your first time giving birth, let me know if you start to feel like you're going into labor. With the induction, your contractions will come earlier and be a lot more painful."

"How long do you think it will take?"

"That's hard to tell because everyone is different. I'm hoping it will only take a few hours and that you'll be walking out of here with your daughter tonight."

Carrie thanked the doctor as she walked out. Harrison sat next to her, taking her hand and tracing patterns in her palm. "So we just wait it out?"


It was about an hour before he went and asked for checkers. They played for another hour, Carrie beating him every time. "You're a beast at this," he said as she jumped another one of his kings.

"Oh I know," she answered with a smile.

One thing that drove her insane was the iv. It was very uncomfortable. "I wish I could yank this damn thing out," she muttered as he made his next move, jumping one of her kings for a change.

"Don't pull it out."

"But is so itchy," she complained.

Then all of a sudden she cried out in pain. "Carrie?"

She clawed at the checkerboard. "It's just a contraction."

"Are you sure?"

Carrie took a deep breath, falling back on the hospital bed hard. She cried out again. "Carrie!"

"The baby," she managed to say. "She's coming!"


A half hour later, Carrie was holding her daughter in her arms as the doctor came in with the birth certificate. "Congratulations!"

"Thank you."

"You're daughter passed all the post birth tests," she told both of them. "She's perfectly healthy."

"Thank you."

The doctor left the birth certificate with Harrison. "We still good with Emma?"

"I am if you are."

"I am."

Carrie took the birth certificate from him and leaned it against her knee. He handed her a pen and she happily wrote 'Emma-'

"Wait we're still good with Renee right?"

Harrison nodded. "Emma Renee sounds beautiful."

She wrote 'Emma Renee Ford. July 25th, 2014' on the birth certificate.

Carrie handed Emma and her birth certificate to Harrison. "She's so beautiful," he said, kissing her forehead.

"She looks a lot like me when I was little," Carrie said, taking his hand in hers.

"She really does."

The door opened to reveal Adam and Debbie. "Let me see my granddaughter!" she exclaimed, pushing right by Adam.


Debbie ignored him, picking little Emma right out of Harrison's arms and walking her around the room. "She's magnificent."

Meanwhile, Adam jumped up on the bed next to Carrie. "What did you do with grandma?"

"Grandma took me to the park. Then we came here."

"What'd you do at the park?"

"We walked and played catch with a football."

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah mommy!" Then a few seconds later he asked, "can I hold Emma?"


It took a little while to coax Emma from Debbie. "Mom please," Carrie pleaded as Harrison tried to take Emma over to her.

Finally, Debbie handed over Emma to Carrie who then gave her to Adam. Adam held his little sister with her head rested in the crook of his arm just as his mommy showed him. "Mommy, she's heavy."

Carrie laughed. "I know buddy."

She and Harrison were very surprised at how long Adam held her for. Once Carrie got released, he even begged his mommy and daddy to let him carry Emma's carrier.

They let him hold her carrier as Harrison got the car seat ready. "I want to play with her mommy," he said as they left the hospital.

"When we get home okay?"



When they got home, Carrie sat on the couch next to Adam and Harrison, holding Emma. "Mommy can I hold her again?"

"Sure," she said, handing her over.

"Hi Emma," he said as she reached her tiny hand out to touch his face.

Carrie leaned her head against Harrison's chest as they both watched Adam hold and talk to Emma. "We do make them cute," Harrison said from beside her.

She turned and kissed him. "I love you hotshot."

"I love you too Carrie."

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