Bound- Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

      It wasn’t uncommon for Ally to get a phone call from Elliot, but it surprised her to hear it was Emmy on the other end of the line. It also surprised her to hear the screaming.

     "Emmy, what’s going on?" She asked the little girl. No response came. "Emmy, I need to know what’s going on!"

     "Where are those two brats?" She heard someone say, but it was farther away. It sounded like a man’s voice. Emmy must have been waiting for him to get past wherever she was hiding.

     "Elli, Mommy’s on the phone." She heard Emmy say. "I called her."

     "Let me see the phone, Em. I’ll talk to her." He told the little girl.

     "Ok." She said.

     "Mommy?" Elliot asked. It broke Ally’s heart, hearing him like this. She knew whatever was going on had to be bad. Elliot had stopped calling her Mommy ages ago.

     "Baby, I need to know what’s going on." She told him. She heard him sniffle. He had been crying. Elliot hardly ever cried.

     "She’s gone crazy, Mommy." He said. "Completely crazy. She has some guy over too. He’s bad. Tried hitting Emmy. I grabbed her and we ran, hiding. I don’t know what to do."

      Ally held back tears. She knew one day this would happen. She loved her sister, but she wasn’t ready for all of this. It made Ally mad, too, because if Stephanie wasn’t ready for the responsibilities, Ally shouldn’t be either.

     "I’m going to make sure you guys stay safe, Elliot. I promise, I’ll get you out of there. Nothing’s going to happen to you." I told him.

     "I love you, Mommy." He said. I smiled sadly.

     "I love you too, Baby. Tell Emmy everything’s going to be alright." She told him.

     "Alright," He said. "Should I hang up?"

     "No, stay on the line. I’m not going to talk though, because I need to call Uncle Chastain real quick. Whatever you do though, don’t hang up." She told him.


     Ally quickly searched through the contacts in her phone, trying to find Chastain’s name. When she couldn’t find it right away, she started to panic.

     Finally, she found it.

     "Chastain, I need your help." She said. She could hear the desperation in her own voice.

     "What’ going on, A?" He asked. Ally forced herself to calm down.

      "Emmy and Elliot called. I heard screaming and they were both crying. I don’t know what to do." She told him. She heard him take in a deep breath.

     "I’m going over there and getting them out. Maybe she’ll give them up this time." He said. Ally shook her head, thinking.

     "I don’t think she will, Chase. She may not want them, but she won’t give them up. That’s just how she is." She told him. She heard him sigh.

     "Well, we have to try, A. They can’t stay there any longer."

      "I know."


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