Bound- Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


dol and John were worried when they pulled up to Ally’s house. They could tell immediately that whoever had broken in was one of them.

"Why would one of our kind break in and kidnap her kids?" John asked. Odol shook his head.

"I don’t know, unless it has to do with the fact that she is Altair’s..." Odol trailed off. He felt something strange. He didn’t know what it was.

"What’s wrong?" John asked and then stopped, as if he could feel it too. "What is that?"

"I have no clue," Odol said. "Let’s check this out."

They walked forward, to where they believed the thing was. They weren’t expecting what they saw.

"You," they both growled.


Ally loved the garden they had. It was calm and relaxing, which was what she needed. She was sitting underneath a large willow, giving her plenty of shade. On her right side was a glass of lemonade and she had a book in hand. While she was still worrying about the twins, this made her much calmer.

"You must be Ally," a woman said, sitting down beside her. Ally turned to see who it was. She looked familiar, but Ally knew she hadn’t met her.

"Yes, I’m Ally," she said, a questioning tone to her voice. The woman laughed softly, smiling.

"I’m Arielle, Odol… wife," She said. The hesitation in her words didn’t go unnoticed by Ally. "I didn’t get to meet you at the party, so I figured I would come find you. I was very interested who Altair was bringing to his party. It’s very unusual for him to talk about someone he meets, even his friends."

"It’s nice to meet you, Arielle." She said. Arielle smiled at her.

"So, how is Altair treating you?" she asked. Ally smiled.

"He treats me just fine. He’s very sweet." She said. The woman smiled softly.

"It must be strange, adjusting to everything that’s happened." She said. Ally nodded. Arielle was about to say something when she got cut off by a loud voice, a child’s voice.

"Mommy, where did Daddy go?" the little boy asked, running up to Arielle. Arielle smiled adoringly, which made Ally smile softly. She saw that look on a lot of faces around here. She knew that John and Lelia adored their little girl and it seemed that the same thing was true for Arielle and most likely Odol.

"Daddy went with Uncle John to look at Ally’s house." Arielle told her son, putting him in her lap. He looked confused.

"Who’s Ally," he asked. Ally laughed slightly. Not everyone around here knew who she was.

"This is Ally," Arielle told her son, moving him so that he could see her. He smiled brightly and waved at her. "She’s Uncle Altair’s girlfriend."

"I am not his girlfriend," Ally said, causing Arielle to laugh. She looked over at the little boy, smiling softly. "What’s your name?"

"I’m Micah." He said. Ally smiled at him. "I’m six years old and I’m in kindergarten."

"Well, that’s amazing Micah." She told him. His smile grew even wider.

"If you’re not Uncle Altair’s girlfriend, then who are you?" he asked. Ally heard a deep laugh and looked to her left, where it was coming from. Altair was standing there, a glass of lemonade in one of his hands. Ally smiled.

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