Bound- Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

The first person Ally ran into that she knew was Aileen.

"Hey, Ally right?" She asked. Ally nodded. She had gone into the city, trying to figure out where she was going to stay. She hadn't expected to run into anyone she really knew. The only two people she ever really talked to before was Eliza and Chase. "So, where's your mate at?"

"Back at his house, I guess. I'm not to sure." She said. Aileen seemed shocked at that.

"Why do you say that?" She asked. Then, a look of understanding crossed her face. "His parents found out what you were, didn't they?" Ally nodded. "I've heard a lot about their King and Queen. They don't seem like the type of people to throw you out just beause of that."

"I left. I could see how much they didn't like it, so I just left. I couldn't sit there and watch that." She said. That's when the others she had met today walked up.

"Ally, what are you doing around here? I figured you'd be at the palace." Clare said.

"She left when the king and queen found out about what she was." Aileen said. They all seemed shocked, but Ravana looked a little lost in his thoughts.

"Did you just run, or did they kick you out?" He asked.

"She just left." Aileen told him.

"Well, I think you should go back then. My dad didn't like the fact that I chose Aileen, espcially since she's like you, but he got over it. They will to, Ally, probably a lot quicker than my dad. If a demon king can accept the fact that his son was in love with an angel, even though it took him a very long time, so can a few vampires." he said. Ally shook her head.

"I don't think so," She said. He sighed and shook his head.

"Well, since you won't go back, why don't you hang out with us for a bit?" He suggested. Everyone else nodded, so Ally obliged.

"Sure, why not."


Ally loved hanging out with Aileen, Ravana and them. It was a blast. She wasn't used to being around so many people, but it was a lot of fun.

"So, where are you going to stay?" Aiden, Ravana's sister asked. Ally shrugged.

"Probably at a small hotel around here. I've got some money saved up to use." she said. Aileen shook her head.

"You are not staying on your own. I won't let that happen." She said. Ravana seemed to understand what she was saying, because he nodded. "Ravana and I have a place around here and we've got some extra rooms if you want to stay with us."

"I don't want to intrude." Ally said. Aileen shook her head.

"You won't, trust me. The place is huge. Besides, all of these idiots we're hanging out with are staying there too. It's not a problem." She said. "I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Thanks, to both of you." Ally said. Both Aileen and Ravana smiled at her.

"It's not a problem, Ally." He said.


Later that night, after everyone had ate, they all sat around in the living room and talked.

"So you and Altair take care of the twins like there your own kids?" Clare asked. Ally nodded.

"I've basically raised them, so to me they are my own. When we met, he took them in and didn't mind being their father. He treats them like I do. They aren't our neice and nephew. To us, they're ours." she explained.

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