Bound- Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Altair how is she?" his mother asked him later that night. Altair shook his head.

"She's not doing so well right now. No one knows what to do. She reacted very badly to the bite and that's not normal, Mom. The doctors don't know why she is like she is. She's not dehydrated anymore and her blood sugar is level, but she's still weak and no responding. They don't know what will help her, no one does. She may not be alright Mom, and I'm not sure what to do about that. I just got her back. I can't lose her permenitly." He said. His mother nodded in understanding.

"I know you can't lose her, but I'm sure she'll get better. Maybe we are just missing something." She said.

"You are missing something. She can't be healed like a human. The reason she reacted to the bite like she did was because of what she is." A voice said from behind them. When they turned Altair saw someone familiar there.


"What do you mean?" Altair's mother asked. Altair had a feeling that he knew what she meant.

"My daughter isn't what you all think she is."


Lelia wasn't sure what to tell her parents. She didn't want to divert attention away from Ally, but her family needed to know what was going on.

"Everything will be okay, I know it will. They need to be told though, Lia. This can't be kept quiet." John told her. Lelia knew he was right, but she hated doing this when they weren't sure that Ally would be okay. "Lelia, he could come back here. What if he does something to Ally or the twins? They need to know before someone gets hurt."

"Okay, I'll tell them what's going on." Lelia said. John nodded ever so softly.

"Everything will be okay, love. I'm sure of that." He said, trying his best to comfort her. Lelia wasn't so sure though. Everything had been going wrong lately and she wasn't so sure they would recover from it.

"I'm not though, not anymore."


Altair was going crazy waiting for them to decide what to do. He knew what should have been done, but they wouldn't listen. They had all thought that he wasn't thinking straight because of everything. They weren't sure she would respond to anything, but he knew what she would respond to. They just didn't trust him.

That's when he went to John and Lelia.

"I need your help," He told them. "They're still trying to decide what to do with Ally, but they won't listen to anyone but our parents. I have an idea, but I'll need help to do it."

"Well, tell us what you have in mind." Lelia said.


Lelia liked Altair's idea for helping Ally. She couldn't believe that no one was listening to him. He was her mate after all. He knew more about her than they all did.

"We'll help you," John said. Lelia knew that he was thinking the same things she was.

"Thank you, both of you." Altair said. Lelia smiled softly at her little brother.

"You know more about her than they do, Altair. They should trust your ideas. It made no sense to me when you told us they wouldn't listen. They don't know her like you." She told him. He smiled softly at her in return.

"Well, it means a lot that you're both willing to help." He said. That brought a bigger smile to Lelia's face.


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