Bound- Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Altair couldn’t believe what he had done. He couldn’t believe he made the decision without talking to Ally. He wanted to go back in time and change it, but he couldn’t. It wouldn’t matter anyway, because Ally wasn’t here and no one could find her.

"Dad, Grandma said to come get you." He heard Eliot said from the doorway.

"Alright, I’m heading down now." Altair said, grabbing something that he needed to show his parents. When he got downstairs he saw a strange look on his mother’s face. "What’s wrong, Mom?

"Your sister needs to talk to us all." She said. He nodded, then handed his mother the book he had found with Ally’s things. "What is this?"

"Ally had brought some stuff over after the break-in, and this was in there. I wasn’t sure what it was. I can’t really read it because it’s in Latin. I was wondering if you and Dad knew what it was." He said. His father walked in then.

"I’ve seen those before. It’s an old book; very rare too. They happen to be about vampire history." His father said. "My father had one before everything happened."

"Why are the books rare?" Altair asked his father.

"The books weren’t before, but after the rebellion most were destroyed by the humans. I haven’t seen one in a very long time." He said.

"Why would she have one?" Altair asked. That was what confused him the most. Ally had a rare vampire book just lying around? It didn’t sound like Ally.

"I’m not sure. Some witch families had kept them, but the witches are long dead now. Her father had hated these kinds of things, so I don’t see why he had one. It makes no sense to me." His father said. That’s when his mother spoke up.

"Are we so sure all of the witches died? You know that some could have gone into hiding." She said. His father sighed.

"I don’t know. That may have happened and nobody knew. Ally may be a witch."


"Ally, where are you?" She heard her mother softly say. Ally could faintly see a crack in the place she was hidden. It had taken some time, but her eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness.

"In here, Mom." Ally softly called out. She hoped her mother could hear her, but she didn’t want to raise her voice too much.

"Ally, darling, where exactly?" Her mother asked. Ally sighed.

"I’m somewhere behind you, in the wall." She said. Her mother sighed.

"I’m not going to be able to get you out without them noticing, dear, but I wanted to tell you something. The royal family will be here soon. They should figure out you’re here, and if they don’t then I’ll find a way to tell them. They’ve been looking high and low for you darling. This place was their last resort. He’s an old friend of the family’s, but he betrayed them a long time ago." She said. Ally smiled softly.

"They’re coming here to see if they can find me?" She asked.

"They want his help to find you, but that’s not going to happen. I know that won’t. He won’t risk them finding you. I’ll help them find you, but you must not make a sound until I tell you so, dear. He may come for you before they come." She said.

"Alright, Mom, I’ll keep quiet until you tell me otherwise." She said.

"Good. I’ll be back soon, dear."


It had been two days and Ally was starving. She hadn’t been feed or given anything to drink. Her throat was dry and sore and she couldn’t talk. She wasn’t sure what to do.

"Dear, sweet Ally, you are defenseless now." She heard Him say. She coward back as much as she could in the tiny space she had been moved too. "Your mother can’t help you, Darling. No one can now. You are under my control, just as you should have been before."

"What… do… you want… with me?" Ally asked quietly. She knew he could hear her. He was a vampire after all, a very old vampire.

"You haven’t figured it out yet? They haven’t showed themselves? I’m surprised. You must not be feeling too desperate yet." He said, opening the hatch to Ally’s little prison. Ally flinched back when he reached out to touch her, but there was nowhere to go.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, fighting as much as she could as he dragged her out of the prison. He laughed.

"You really don’t know?" He asked. He laughed again when she shook her head. "Well, we’ll have to see what it takes to push you over the edge, won’t we?"

"Please don’t," she said. She understood what was going to happen. She may have been a sweet, innocent girl, but her sister had warned her about these kinds of things for years now. It had almost happened to her sister about four months before the twins were born.

"How do you know what's going to happen?" He asked her.

"Why does that matter?" She asked. She knew she shouldn't have said that when she saw his eyes darkening.

"You are not to talk back to me, young lady!" He growled out.

"Sire, they're here!" A male voice yelle out. That's when the unpredictable happened. He bit her, which caused her to scream in pain. He just laughed at her afte he was done.

"That should keep you quiet for now." He said, grabbing her in his arms and pushing her back into her little prison. "Don't back talk to me ever again."


Altair wasn't sure what to think when he walked into the house. What he did know was that he had heard a light, weak scream before he walked in.

"Did you hear the scream before we came in?" His brother asked him. He nodded.

"It sounded like a girl." He told his brother. His brother nodded.

"It did sound like a girl. I just wonder why he would have a screaming girl here in his house."

"Boys, are you coming?" Their mother asked them. They both nodded, following them into the house.

"Hey, Mom, did you hear the scream before walking in?" Odol asked their mother. Their mother nodded.

"I did, but I don't know anything about it. We weren't informed of him keeping a blood slave or personal maids. I don't know what that was about, but we will find out." his mother said.

"Altair, I want you to go look around the house. We'll talk to Valentine about finding her." His father said. That confused Altair.

"Whose's Valentine?" He asked. His father laughed slightly.

"Valentine was his old age name, dear." His mother said. "When old gaurds are called, we almost always use their old names."

"That does make sense." Odol said. "Do you want Altair to search alone?"

"Well, not completely. The house is very large, so he can't cover it all by himself. I will need you to search the other part of the house. He can't say no, seeing as I am King. I will force it if I have to." their father answered. The boys both nodded.

"Ah, King Eztli, so nice to see you again." Valentine said when he answered the door. Altair's father smiled a little coldly.

"As it is you, Valentine. Now, while we speak, I want my boys to look around the house a bit." His father automaticly said. Valentine nodded, but Altair saw the slight hesitastion in the answer. His father seemed to notice it too.

"Boys, you go on ahead and look around. We'll talk to Valentine." Their mother said. They both nodded.

As they were walking into the house, they looked at eachother and nodded in silent understanding.

They were bound and determinded to find out what Valentine was hiding.

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