Bound- Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Micajah wasn't sure what to make of the situation. He could tell the girl was a witch by her looks. It was very easy to spot. His family may not be able to tell a witch apart from humans by their looks, but he could.

"Well," He said to his grandson. "What kind of creature is your mate?"

"You already know." The girl said. That shocked Micajah. He had met many a witch when he was younger, but not many knew he could spot them so easily. The girl was very powerful.

"You don't seem surprised." He told her, smiling slightly. The girl shook her head.

"I'm not. It's easy to see that you already know." She told him. He was starting to like this girl. Not only had his grandson found his mate, but his mate was a smart, strong young lady that could survive in this world beside him. He could easily see that.

"Well, come over here and tell me your name dear." He said. He saw Altair smile at his words.

He watched as the girl, Altair, and Juliet, walked over to where they were. HIs son and his daughter-in-law smiled at the young girl, who gave a small, soft smile back to them. The girl may be a quiet one, but he could see that she was strong. You could tell by the look in her eyes. She may have been through a lot, but that just made her stronger. Micajah was already proud of this young girl that was going to be a part of his family.

The girl sat mext to Altair, who automaticially put his arm around her waist. The girl didn't seem to care, which was a good thing. Mate's could be very touchy sometimes.

"What's your name?" He asked her, smiling very lightly.

"Allison," She said. She went to say something else when Juliet, Micajah's mate and wife, stepped in and cut her off.

"We are to call her Ally." She said. Micajah nodded at his wife.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Ally." He told the girl. Then he laughed slightly. "I will give you a bit of a warning when it comes to this family. All of us males are very protective of our mates. My grandson there may get hard to handle." That made Ally laugh.

"I've already come to that conclusion." She said. "I'll just have to put him in his place when he gets like that." Micajah smiled at the girl. She would easily be welcomed into this family by everyone. It was easy to see how well she already fit in with them.

"That will deffinatly have to be done sooner or later." He said. "Welcome to the family Allison."


Altair was glad that his grandparents welcomed Ally so easily. She was his mate and he wanted all of his family to love her. He wanted them to accept her. His mother's side, at least the ones she had met, loved her, but it was easy to get along with them. HIs father's side was harder to be accepted into. A lot of them were stuck in the older days and didn't want to let those traditions go.

There was one thing he and Ally needed to talk about before his grandparents let it slip. That was a downside to them liking her. They would all be talking now and one of the main reasons they were here was something he hadn't told her about yet.

He agreed to take the throne.

He wasn't sure how she was going to take it. It was a big change, not only for her, but for the kids too. His parents had needed to know his choice before she had been found, so there was no way they could talk about it. He didn't want to upset her when she was recovering, so he hadn't told her about it yet. He wasn't even sure how to tell her.

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