Bound- Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Ally was nervous. She hadn’t seen Eliza since the time her father took the twins. She wasn’t sure how this meeting would turn out.

"Ally, I’m so sorry!" Eliza exclaimed, running into the room. Ally stood, making her way to her best friend. "I just didn’t know what to do. He was my dad. I may not have approved of what he did, but I couldn’t help but love him. He’s my family after all."

"I don’t blame you, Liz. I would’ve been torn too. I’ve really missed you being around." She told her.

"Ally, have you heard about Chase?" Eliza asked her. Ally shook her head, looking down. She didn’t want to look at her friend when she told her what her boyfriend, who she had loved very much, had done.

"I saw him, Liz. There was an attack against Altair and I when we first moved into the palace. The people who attacked turned him and starved him. They let him loose, hoping he would go crazy and attack one of us. Instead he attacked someone else and ran off. I haven’t heard anything about where he is or what’s going on with him since then." Ally said, still not looking up.

"He came to see me, Ally. He came and told me what he did. After that, I ran off, not sure what to do. When I heard you had turned, gotten married, and was crowned queen of the vampire kingdom, I had to come find you. I didn’t know what to do about Chase but I knew that we needed to talk. It was wrong of me to expect you to understand so easily when it was your kids my dad had taken. It was wrong of me to get mad when you didn’t want to hear anymore. I’m so sorry, Ally, for everything." Eliza said, tears in her eyes. Ally had tears in her eyes also.

"Liz, it wasn’t just your fault. I should have calmed down and tried to listen. I should have come to you a few days after and listened then. I shouldn’t have done what I did. I’m sorry too, Liz. I’m so very sorry." She said. Eliza shook her head, not caring that her friend hadn’t. She knew if it was her kids she would have reacted just like Ally had.

"Let’s not worry about it anymore. I want to meet the little girl you adopted. Do you mind?" Eliza asked. Ally shook her head.

"No, of course I don’t mind. Come on, come meet Anippe." Ally answered, leading her friend. Both girls just smiled, happy to have made up.


Steph looked up as she heard the door to the kids’ play room open. In walked Ally and someone Steph didn’t except.


Seeing Eliza and Ally walk in with smiles on their faces shocked Steph. She didn’t know much about their argument, just that they hadn’t talked since it happened. So, when they walked in looking like they made up, she was very shocked.

"So, you two made up, huh?" Steph asked them. They both nodded and Steph saw Ally’s eyes looking around the room. Steph had a feeling she was looking for Anippe who had just left for the library.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Ally asked, walking over to her sister and hugging her tightly. After Ally changed they had been closer than ever. Steph loved helping her sister out and now that she had changed she could help her even more. Steph loved to help her sister understand things she was too nervous to ask Altair.

"Well, I was looking for you to tell you about your friends, but instead I ran into Altair. He was also looking for you because he had a meeting and had the kids. He asked if I would watch them until you showed up so I told him sure and here I am." Steph said. Ally smiled a grateful smile.

"Thanks for watching them, Sis. I was talking to Eztli and Akeldama about something that had come up and then Eliza showed up, so I was too busy to notice the time. I don’t know how I’ll make it up to you." Her sister told her. Steph shook her head.

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