Bound- Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

      The next morning Ally couldn’t stay still. Altair had acted weird the night before after John and Odol came into his room. He had said that he needed to talk to her, which scared her a bit. She wasn’t sure what this was all about. She was nervous. This was uncharted territory. Also, all of his family had been acting weird, except for the kids. She had no clue about what was going on.

"Ally, may we talk?" Altair’s father, Eztli, asked. Ally nodded. "Why don’t we go to my office? It’ll be a bit more private that way."

"Alright," Ally said, following him to his office. When they got in he sat down in one of the chairs on the wall and motioned for her to sit in the other. "What’s the matter?"

"Do you like my son, Ally?" He asked a kind look in his eyes. Ally hadn’t seen this look unless directed towards his children or his grandchildren. Ally was shocked.

"Um…" She wasn’t sure how to answer. Yes, she did like Altair, but she wasn’t sure if she should tell his father or not.

"Ally, I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable. It’s just that things are going to be changing soon and I was wondering how you’d handle it." He said.

"Yes, I do like him, but I don’t see how this has anything to do with what you just said." His words confused her, majorly.

"It does, Ally, but you won’t understand it until he talks to you." Eztli said. "I just want you to know that my son, no matter what he says, does care. He always will, Ally."

"What is going on around here? Something is wrong and nobody’s telling me anything." She said. Eztli gave her a soft look, that of a father.

"Trust me, when Altair tells you what he’s going to, everything will make sense." He said. Ally sighed.

"Guess I’ll just have to wait to figure it all out then."


"Hey, is something wrong?" Odol asked her later on, while she was sitting outside. She was under the tree in the center of the garden. Looking up she saw a concerned look on his face. She shook her head.

"No, I'm fine," she said. Odol shook his head at her.

"I know you're lying, Allison," he said. He sat down beside her. "Look, no matter what happens today Ally, we're still going to be here. In just a matter of days you've worked your way into our hearts. Things will be different, no matter what, but it won't change how we feel. John and I will still help you get the twins, our mom is still going to see you as another daughter. We are always going to love you."

"How did you know what was wrong?" she asked. He smiled softly at her.

"I figured that you would be worrying about that." he said. "One more thing to remember, Ally, is that Altair isn't going to make the first move if you get mad and leave. He may, but that probably won't happen. He'll wait until he thinks you aren't upset anymore, which could be weeks or months later. If that does happen, you may have to go up to him first. Just remember that no matter what, he cares." After that he got up and walked away. Ally saw why a few moments later.

Altair was walking over to her.

"Hey, can we talk?" he asked. Ally nodded and stood up, holding on to the hand he held out.

"Just so you know in advance, I'm sorry I never told you before." he said. That confused Ally. "How about we just stay out here? We can walk a bit deeper into the garden. It's pretty big."

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