Bound- Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Poor little Ally, you’re kids are missing. It’s such a shame, because they would have made an amazing prince and princess. If only you could find them," a voice said in the darkness. Ally looked all around her, but she couldn’t see a thing.

"Who are you and why are you doing this?" She asked, not raising her voice. She knew it wasn’t a good idea.

"You would love to know that, wouldn’t you? Too bad you won’t. You’ll most likely be dead by the time I get you. After all, first it was the twins, now it’s you they’re after. These enemies of your precious Altair are very dangerous and very, very crazy." The voice said again. Ally shrank back when she felt a hand touch her cheek. "They won’t be able to find you, Ally. You’re friends and family will just have to move on without you in their lives."

"Who is trying to get me?" Ally asked. She could feel tears streaming down her face.

"Why, the royal family’s enemies, my dear. I will be too, but they might expect me if I come so early." The voice said, this time whispering in her ear. That was when Ally started screaming.


"Ally, what’s wrong? What happened?" Altair asked as soon as Ally woke up. Ally just cried, clinging to him. "Ally, baby, you have to tell me what happened. What was the nightmare about?"

Ally couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything but hold onto him tighter. She didn’t know what to make of the dreams. She never did. She had told her father about them, how they always seemed so real, but he brushed them off. Ally never did. She would always remember them, even if she hadn’t had one in a few months, she would always remember the nightmares.

"Ally, sweetheart, what’s wrong?" She heard Akeldama ask her. Ally didn’t even look up.

"It was one of those nightmares again, wasn’t it?" She heard her sister ask. Ally slowly lifted her head, nodding slightly. "I wish we knew what they meant."

"What kind of nightmares are they, sweetie?" Akeldama asked her. She looked up and noticed Eztli by the door, watching what was going on.

"Have these been going on for a while?" He asked, finally walking into the room. Ally nodded.

"I’ve had them for as long as I could remember." She said, very quietly.

"What are they like, Ally?" Eztli asked her.

"It's like whoever I'm hearing in the dream is actually there, right behind me. They seem so real." Ally answered. Eztli and Akeldama looked over at each other.

"It’s seems like the dreams are being projected by another vampire." Eztli said.

‘What does that mean?" Altair asked.

"It means that a vampire is purposefully giving her these nightmares. They are warnings." Akeldama told her son.

"What did the person say in the dream?" Eztli asked.

"That they were after me now."


Altair didn’t know what to do. He hated that Ally had the dreams, but he couldn’t do anything about it. The dreams weren’t normal nightmares. They were projected dreams. You can’t get rid of them unless the person sending them stops.

"Ally, I’m sorry that we can’t do anything about the dreams." Altair said.

"It’s fine, Altair. I’ve gotten used to them." She replied. Altair could see past her façade.

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