Bound- Epilouge

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5 years later…

Ally smiled as she watched her kids run around the garden. It was the twins’ tenth birthday, and little Luke’s second birthday. They had decided to travel back to the home everything had started in.

The garden was as lush and beautiful as ever, fairy lights hanging in the trees. The newest addition, a pound, was full of different types of fish. There were colorful streamers and balloons everywhere. Presents were stacked high on three different tables. There were also three different kinds of cakes. One was chocolate decorated with purple and light blue frosting, which was Emmy’s cake; the second one was vanilla decorated with red and black icing, which was Eli’s cake; and the last one was strawberry decorated with blue and green frosting, which was Luke’s cake.

"Well, it’s been a long, hard road to get here, hasn’t it?" Ally’s husband asked her. She looked up at him. He hadn’t aged at all in the last five years. Even dealing with everything their kids have done he never aged. She didn’t either, though. It didn’t matter how many kids she had, she would always be thin and slim, losing the baby weight almost immediately. It would take her hundreds of years to look like she was near her thirties. Anippe hadn’t changed much in the last five years either, just barely showing that she was supposed to be considered ‘thirteen.’ That was just what being a vampire was like.

"It may have been, but I really wouldn’t want to change it. Yes, I want Abasi here to see this, but things all happen for a reason." She said, looking down at their five year old son. You could easily see that he was five, for a vampire’s aging didn’t start slowing down until they were ten years old. He looked like Eli had when he was five, except he didn’t have blonde hair. Instead, he had his father’s dark hair and his mother’s green eyes.

"Well, it’s time to open presents and eat cake." He said. "They won’t stop asking about it." Altair put his arm around Ally, his hand landing on her stomach.

"Well, let’s not keep them waiting." She said, ushering Ayden along.


Altair smiled at the scene in front of him. Odol and Arielle helping their two year old son, Luke, open presents; his wife taking pictures of their kids opening theirs. It was everything he could have ever whished for when he was younger. Yes, there was one missing, but he was still as happy as he could’ve been.

"Dad, look what I got!"A voice said. He turned his attention to Emmy, seeing her holding up a baking kit she had been wanting for quite some time. He smiled.

"Just what you wanted, right?" He asked his youngest daughter, walking closer to where they were opening presents. His little girl nodded. "Well, what do you say to who got it for you?"

"Thank you Aunt Arielle and Uncle Odol!" She shouted out. He laughed slightly.

He looked over at his wife, who had handed the camera off to Lelia for her to take pictures as she walked over to the table where Ayden was, wanting more cake. He watched as she cut him a small slice and sat down beside him, resting her hand on her slightly big belly. That made him smile. She had went to the doctor about two months and found out that she was pregnant again. Now, she was going on five months and getting bigger.

His mother had come up in front of him, smiling.

"You love seeing this, don’t you?" She asked. He nodded.

"I love seeing all of the family together. Ally and I get so busy with royal stuff we don’t get to see all of you as much as before. It’s nice, all of getting to talk and relax." He said. His mother nodded, before looking behind him. She had a surprised, shocked, and slightly scared look on her face.

"Altair, you may want to turn around." His mother said, motioning to something behind him. Turning, he saw someone he had never expected to see ever again.


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