Bound- Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Odol could hear something very faint behind the walls, but he wasn't sure what exactly it was. He could barely place where it was coming from. He needed some help.

"Altair," He called out, "Come here please." Altair was by his side in an instant. "Do you hear that?"

"I do, but I can't place where it's coming from." he said. "It sounds slightly familair though. It sounds like a girl's voice."

"I noticed that too. I just can't think of who it sounds like." Odol told his brother. Altair nodded.

"I can't either, it's too muffled to clearly tell." he said. "Let's go get Mom."


Ally could hear them ever so slightly outside. She tried her hardest to yell out to them, but it as just to hard. Her throat was hurting even more than before because of the bite. She could hardly swallow because of it.

She sobbed slightly as she heard soft footsteps drift ever so lightly away. She didn' want them to leave. It hurt her too much to hear his voice and have it ripped away. She missed him so much. She hadn't even gotten to see her mother because she was moved after her mother found her.

"Wait, did you hear that?" She heard Altair ask.

"Yeah, I did. That sounded familiar too." Odol said. Ally smiled softly even though she was upset.

"It has to be Ally. It's the only reason we would recognize it." She heard her mate say. Ally sighed in relief. They had figured it out.

"We need to tell Mom and Dad so that they'll help us find her." Odol answered.

She heard footsteps move closer to where she was when she got an idea. She could knock on the wall to help them find her. She lifted her hand and knocked, but she coud feel then how weak she reall was. Thankfully, they had figured out where she was. She heard Altair sigh in relief.

"We'll be back, I promise," he whispered to her. She nearly sobbed again when she found out they were leaving her there, but she quieted down to hear what he was saying. "We need my parents' help, otherwise I'd get you out of here myself. We'll be back soon, I promise." he said again. Ally gathered all of her energy to answer him.

"Come back quickly, please." She said ever so softly. It was very hard for her to talk now. Altair had heard her though and quickly realized why she was having trouble talking.

"We need to hurry, Odol. He's already bit her." he said. Then they took off running to their parents.


Altair couldn't believe she had been here this enitre time. They had been searching for a few weeks now and there had been no sign of her. Now, he knew where she was and he was determined to get her back.

"She could hardly talk?" Odol asked. He already knew the answer it seemed, but as still asking for conformation. Altair nodded. "I can't believe the sucker bit her. He knows who she is."

"Excuse me, but who are you?" An older lady, who Altair persumed to be Valentines wife, asked. Then he noticd something different about her.

She was human.

"We're the Princes." Odol answered. "Our parents are here talking to Valentine about something. We were looking around the house."

"You found her, didn't you?" The woman asked, a knowing look in her eyes. The boys were shocked.

"How did you know she was here?" Odol asked. She smile softly. That's when Altair made the connection.

"You're her mom, aren't you?" Altair asked. She nodded. "You've been stuck with him since you were taken, haven't you?" That earned another nod.

"You're a smart boy, Altair. No wonder my dauhter loves you like she does." She said with a small smile on her face. The boys were both once again shocked. Odol shook it off first.

"Listen, we need to talk to our parents about this. We need to get her out of the hidding place behind the wall. She's weak, needs some food and water, and he's bit her. She needs to get out of there fast." He said. The woman shook her head.

"Don't talk to them about it now. 'Valentine' as you call him, has a back up plan in case you all find out about her being here. He will activate it, which will kill her." She said. "Wait until later. I'll watch to make sure he doesn't bite her again."

"Alright, we'll wait, but we do need to know your name." Odol said.

"My name's Marissa."


Later that night, he came back again.

"Did you learn your leason?" He asked her. Ally was scared now. She had thought that Altair and them would have come for her by now. "Answer me, Brat!"

"Leave me alone," Ally said ever so softly. He laughed at her.

"Did you really think I would listen to you? I love hearing you scream. I love hearing all of them scream, Ally. I live for torturing people, darling. I di it to your mother and I'll do it to you." He said, titlting Ally's head back to bite her.

"Sire, they're coming back. They know she's here." A voice said outside of the closed door. He smirked at Ally before painfully bitting her again, in the same spot as before. Ally cried out, the pain worse than the first time.

"It's such a shame that you're too weak to get out, dear. They won't be able to get here in time to save you. You'll already be dead when they get here." He said, throwing her on the floor and closing the door. Ally heard it lock.

That was when she realized she was going to die locked in this room, to weak to move off of the floor.


When they got to the house it was up in flames, some of it already falling into itself.

"He blew the place up before leaving?" Odol said. "He probably left Ally inside."

"You kow he did. We need to find her, and quickly. She's human. The smoke will damage he lungs. He's probably bit her again so she would be too weak to move." His father said. That was when Altair noticed the three figures coming out of the building. One was Ally's mother and the other two where a little boy and a little girl.

"I can't find Ally anywhere inside. It's too hard for me to see. He left her here, but you all need to find her and quickly. It's very bad outside." Marissa said. His father nodded, then motioned for some of the gaurds to take care of them.

"We will find her," His father said, but stay with the gaurds and let them take care of you."

"Of course," she said. They hurried inside, but they weren't ready for what they saw.


Ally could smell smoke, but she was still too weak to move. She couldn't move or see. She could barely breathe. She was sure she was going to die from lack of air.

That was when she heard voices. She opened her eyes, trying to find where the voices were coming from. She couldn't breath now.

"Ally, where are you?" A guy asked. Ally couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. The only thing she could do was see and she could barley do that. "Ally, where are you? Are you alright? Please, you have to be alright."

She coughed and the guy turned around.

"Ally?" He ran over closer to her. She coughed again. "Ally!"

She didn’t know how, but finally, he got her free from where ever she was.

"Ally, baby, I’ve got you now." He said, picking her up and holding her close. "I’m never letting you out of my sights ever again."

"Dad, he found her!" Another voice said. She heard a pair of running footsteps coming there way, but she couldn't pay attention to anythin anymore.

She couldn't remember what happened after that.



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