Bound- Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Ally could hear the twins outside with Altair. She could hear their little footsteps as they climbed the stairs to the porch. She was nervous as Aileen answered the door. She was nervous about seeing them all again.

"Ally, everything will be fine." Ravana said. "He's come to get you. That proves they still love you."

"Mommy," The twins yelled, running over to her. She quickly got off the couch so sh could hug them. She hugged them tightly, not wanting to ever let them go again.

"Don't leave us again, Mommy." Emmy said. Ally felt tears well up in her but pushed them back.

"I'm not ever going to, no matter what happens." She said. They let her go and she stood, facing Altair.

"No matter what?" He asked. Ally smiled and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her just as tightly as she hugged him.

"No matter what," She said.

"I'm going to hold you to that." He told her. She laughed,but it was slightly muffled by the fact that her face was burried in his chest. When she finally looked up, everyone was smiling at them.


Two hours later, they finally arrived home. Ally grabbed Emmy and Altair grabbed Eli, both of which had fallen asleep before they even left to go home. They took them upstairs and laid them down in their seperate bedrooms. When both were tucked in their beds, safe and sound, they went back downstairs. Downstairs, everyone but the kids were waiting on them.

"Ally, is everything alright?" Akeldama asked her. Ally nodded, moving closer to Altair slightly. "Sweetie, sit down. I think we all need to talk."

Altair lead her to the empty loveseat. They both sat down, Ally moving close to him. She wasn't sure what was going to happen during this talk.

"Sweetie, you do know we could never hate you, right?" Akeldama asked. Ally nodded. She knew that now, anyway.

"It doesn't matter what you are, Ally. You are family and you have been since we met you." Eztli said. Ally smiled.

"Next time you think something like that, please wait and talk to us about it." Akeldama said.

"I will, I promise." she said. They all smiled at her.


A week later, Ally was back in front of the mirror, Akeldama fixing her hair.

"Are you sure everything will go okay?" Ally asked. Akeldama nodded.

"Sweetie, I'm sure that everything will be fine. You are a very sweet girl and I'm sure that everyone will fall in love with you. It may just take some time. They already know what your are, but still so many are asking when they're going to be able to meet you." She said.

"I hope you're right," She said. "I really don't want to disappoint you guys."

"You couldn't ever disappoint us, Ally. That's not possible." Akeldama said, putting the last pin in place.

"Ally, are you ready?" Altair asked, opening the door with a wide smile on his face. Ally nodded.

"Yep, I'm ready." she said.


The people in the first town were shocked to see their prince and his mate. Some, those who absolutely hated angels and witches, seemed shocked at how Ally treated them.

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