Bound- Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"So, the twin’s aren’t here?" Steph asked her little sister. Ally shook her head, tears in her eyes. Steph hated that. She didn’t like the twins being in danger, but it was her little sister it bothered the most. Her little sister had raised those kids. She didn’t want to see them hurt. Steph didn’t want them to be hurt, but what bothered her the most about it was how broken her little sister looked.

Steph got up out of her chair and walked over to her little sister, pulling her into a hug.

This moment reminded Steph of a lot of things. She did this all of the time when she was younger. Her father didn’t understand Ally. Ally hadn’t been like Steph. She wasn’t born when the vampires ruled over the land. Steph had been. Ally wanted to go out, to be with the few friends she had. Steph had never wanted that. That had always confused her father. That meant Steph had to be there to comfort her little sister when her father upset her.

"It’s alright, Ally. They’ll be just fine." Steph said. Ally hugged her back tightly.

"I hope so," she said.


Eliot stood by his little sister, listening through the little crack he had found in the wall.

A few days ago, they had been moved in here. The woman who had done it told them it was for their own good. She said they would be safe there. Eliot didn’t believe it at all. Eliot didn’t trust the girl.

"Eli, I’m scared. What if Mommy and Daddy never come to get us?" Emmy asked. Eliot shushed his little sister.

"Shh, someone’s coming." She said. Emmy nodded, even though Eliot couldn’t see her.

"Where are they, Eliza?" A harsh voice asked. Eliot flinched back.

"That is none of your business father. Those kids belong to Allison. When they get here the King and Queen will punish you for what you have done." The girl answered.

"Is that Aunt Eliza?" Emmy asked very quietly. Eliot shrugged.

"I’m not sure. It sounds like her though." He said.

"Go tell your little friend what’s going to happen to her kids, then! You’re sister already tried to fight me about this and it didn’t work then! It’s not going to work now, either! Besides, I’m your father, young lady, and you are to listen to me!" He screamed. Emmy whimpered slightly. "You find those kids and go along with the plan, or I will kill you!"

"No, father, I will not go along with your little plan! Those kids aren’t toys! They aren’t going to be tortured just because you can’t stand Altair’s family!" Eliza said. "I’m not going to torture my niece and nephew!"

"It is Aunt Eliza. Why is she here?" Emmy asked. Eliot shrugged again.

"I don’t know." He said.

"What does torture mean, Eli?" She asked. Eliot just shook his head.

"I don’t know and I’m glad I don’t."


"Ally, we need to talk." Chastain said the next day at school. "It’s very important."

"I’ll be back," she told Altair. He nodded. Chastain took her hand and basically dragged her over to Eliza. "What’s going on?"

"There’s something you need to know, A." Eliza said. "I didn’t like you going out with Altair before, because I knew what he was. I know, because my father is one."

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