Bound- Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The coronation was here. It was time for Altair to become king and take over his kingdom. He was nervous, mainly because his family was to be displayed front and center at the Coronation Ball. The wedding, which all of his new family was in, wasn’t as publicized as the coronation. The coronation was very important, as other kingdoms would be attending.

"Your highness, Princess Allison is calling for you." A voice said, very sarcastically. Altair knew right away that it was Felix.

"What do you want this time, Felix?" He asked his friend. His friend just smirked.

"So, I finally met your dear, darling wife. When were you going to tell me she was pregnant?" His friend asked.

"She’s not pregnant, Fel." Altair said, shaking his head.

"So you two finally slept together last night?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow up in a questioning way. Altair just sighed.

"Can we not talk about what my wife and I did or didn’t do last night?" He asked. "I have more important things to discuss, Felix."

"I know, but why me? Your brother would do it, wouldn’t he?" Felix asked. Altair nodded.

"He would do it, but he doesn’t really want to deal with anything involving the throne. I asked him if he would be offended by picking you and he said he was happy I was going to. He hates anything to do with ruling." Altair said. "Besides, I’ll need you around. You could make things very interesting around here."

"Well, my dear old friend, I’ll be glad to help." Felix answered.


Just like the wedding day, the only time before the coronation Ally saw her husband was that morning. The entire day everyone was rushing about trying to get her and the kids ready. Ally, being herself, just brushed them all off and took care of getting the kids ready, minus Elliot. Elliot was with Altair helping him. Everyone who helped her get ready during the wedding, minus her mother, helped her again this time.

"So, how was last night?" Lelia asked, smiling mischievously. Ally blushed, not really wanting to answer. Lelia and Arielle just laughed.

"Don’t worry, darling. You’ll be able to get them back. I’ll teach you how to." Akeldama said, smoothing down Ally’s hair. "Now, you need to meet up with Altair because it’s almost time for the ceremony."

Ally took a deep breath, trying to steady her frantic heart. After calming down as much as she could she nodded.

"Ready?" Juliet asked. Ally laughed slightly.

"As ready as I’ll ever be."


Ally’s blue, sparkling dress caught everyone’s attention. Her husband, who was walking beside her, also couldn’t believe how good she looked in it.

She looked like a queen.

It was easy to see. She walked with her head held high and a kind, sweet smile on her face. There was a grace in her walk that hadn’t been there before and everyone could see the love in her face as she watched her children.

There was no doubt that she would make an amazing queen.

The actual coronation didn’t take as long as one would believe. The thing that would last for most of the night was the ball.

The ball was a celebration for them. The newly crowned King and Queen would meet the royal families of other kingdoms and interact with a few people from their own. The old King and Queen would still be in charge of everything at the ball, but they were no longer ruling the kingdom.

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