Chapter 23

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"So, you mean to tell me you haven't been at home in three days?"

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"So, you mean to tell me you haven't been at home in three days?"

I rolled my eyes since the officers had asked me this several times already. "Yes. I checked into a hotel a few nights ago."

"Why? Why would you check into a hotel by yourself? What about your boyfriend, Raymond?"

"He's not my boyfriend," I replied.

"Since when? Because people in your apartment complex always see you two together."

"We're always together because he won't leave me alone. He's stalking me."


"Because I broke up with him a few weeks ago. Raymond is very possessive and feels like he owns me. Anywhere I go, he's there. He'll just pop up and harass me and everyone around me. He'll bring his friends and harass me. He doesn't even live with me."

"Where does he live then?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I used to live in a house on the other side of the city. I came home one night, after I kicked Raymond out by sitting all of his stuff outside, and he and his friends pulled guns on me."

"How did you get away?"

"I barely got away since the guy I'm seeing now sent one of his body guards over to help me. Raymond and his friends stole my money and got away. I moved on the other side of the city to a small apartment to try to get away from Raymond, but like usual, he found me. Somehow he got a key and comes in every night like he owns the places, so I left."


"Because I'm tired of his shit," I responded, truthfully. It wasn't like I was lying about anything I said, except for why I went to a hotel. Everything else was true though. Banga was stalking me, I did kick him out of the house, I did move across the city to get away from him and he did follow me to my new apartment. Banga won't leave me the hell alone. "I wanted to be away from him."

"Or you wanted to be with your new man, right?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Possibly but I didn't have any guests in my room. All I did was went to work, class and studied. I laid low."

"Why? Because you pushed your boyfriend out of the window?"

"One, he's not my boyfriend. And two, I laid low so I could avoid him. I didn't know he was pushed out of a window or in any type of harm."

"What did Raymond do for a living?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Hell if I know."

The officer sighed as he pulled out the seat across from me and plopped down at the table. I could tell he was getting pissed off the more I talked to him, but as crazy as my story sounds, I plan on sticking to it and I don't plan on giving up Prince, or even involving him. I don't want anything he's doing to get exposed, because if it does, then Princess will be taken away from him. And Prince has done a lot for me since I started working with him. Giving him up would be stabbing him in the back.

All or Nothing (Urban) Book 9 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now