Fall in Love - Carlos Sainz Jr.

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You are holding the dictaphone to Carlos mouth. It's Thursday and that means it's media day. The interviews are kind of boring, anyway you are enjoying them. You watch Carlos of the corner of one's eye. He looks so happy. He is smiling all the time and answers the questions with the patience of a saint. You would be annoyed after the second interview because it's every time the same.

You turn off the dictaphone as the last interview is done. You and Carlos have a short break before you must go to an appointment of Red Bull.
Carlos turn over to you and smiling softly. You look at his lips. A inner cinema is starting, in which Carlos lips are meeting yours. You shake the notion off and smiling back. You know that Carlos sees you just as a friend and you are fine with that. You could never lose him.
You are still completely absorbed in your thoughts as a hand is touching your elbow. You are looking up and notice that Carlos had talked to you. You are blushing immediately. In the last time stuff like that happens more often.

"Sorry, Carlos. Can you repeat it, please?" You try to ignore the hand on your elbow. It's support the butterflies in your stomach. He laughs at you and you blush once again. 
"I asked you if everything is ok? In the last time you act differently. I just want that you feel fine at your work. Should be something wrong please tell me and I try to solve it."
'Is that possible that someone is as cute as Carlos?!' you are thinking.
"It's everything ok thank you, Carlos." Carlos nods but it seems like he isn't assured. He is mumbling something but you don't understand him. You are looking at your watch and gasp surprisingly.
"Carlos! We are too late!"

Today is race day and that means you haven't much to do. In 10 minutes the race starts and you are sitting in the Toro Rosso area. You aren't in the box of your team because you aren't directly involved with the car. You sigh and playing with the sugar, which stands on the table in front of you. You are kind of nervous. You hope that nothing will happen to Carlos and of course to the other drivers.

Someone is going to your table and sit down on the chair counterpart of you. You look up and see your best friend Y/F/N.
"What's up Y/N?"
You just shake your head. "Nothing special I guess..."
A smile appears in your best friends face.
"Carlos again?"
You nod. "Who else? I always think about him. I actually dream of him!"
Y/F/N is nodding. "You and Carlos would be so cute together, but both of you are to shy to say something. I think I must help you", she is saying with an evil smile in her face.
"Noooo! You can't do that, Y/F/N! You would destroy everything between me and Carlos!"
She only laughs. "No, I would do the opposite."

You watched the race in silence with Y/F/N. You haven't to say something because you are too scared of what your best friend will doing. You stand up and search your stuff. After the race are always tons of interviews. You are going towards the media area. Before you have left you looked to the television. Carlos is on the 6th place. A great position. You are happy for him, he deserves it.

He is too late. The race ended 30 minutes ago. You sigh annoyed. It's not typical for him. You just take your phone out of your trouser pocket as Carlos suddenly standing in front of you.
"You are too late", you say.
"I know and I am sorry Y/N"
"It's ok Carlos. It's none of my business"

You start to record the interviews.
You listen to the interviewer with half an ear, than you realize that Carlos is acting differently. He looks nervous.  Furthermore he needs extraordinary long for the answers. It seems that he is on a other planet with his thoughts.

After Carlos finished all his commitments, you go with him back to the Paddock. For the first time the whole situation is aggravating.
Suddenly Carlos stops walking.
"Y/N, can we talk?"
You nod, but you are definitely scared. You don't know what he wants to say you.

You sit down on a bench and Carlos is taking your hand. You are looking up to him. This gesture is unusual for him.
"Carlos you scare me..."
Carlos dithers beside you. He looks more nervous then before.
"Oh I am sorry, I don't want to scare you! Y/N, I must tell you something...
You work for me since 15th march 2016. I will never forget the moment you walked into the room with your shy look and than we start working together. Every day is so much fun with you. You make me smile every time, equal how bad the day was. I don't know if you feel in the same way for me as I feel for you but my heart is yours since the first time we met. Y/N I love you!"
Only now you realize that you had hold your breath while Carlos admitted his love to you.

You don't know what to say so you hush at first.
"It was false to tell you the truth" Carlos says with sadness in his voice.
"Carlos!" You take your hands on Carlos cheeks and looking at him. "Stop it! I was always too scared to tell you the truth about my feelings, but I can tell you that I feel the same way for you as you feel for me. You can't imagine how happy I am now. Carlos Sainz Junior I love you, too" You smile happily to him as Carlos bend over to you and your imagination from Thursday becomes true. His lips are meeting yours.

My second One Shot is done. This one was a request from esmeemaria Thank you for the idea. I hope you liked it.
If you have requests by your own feel free to tell me.

By the way I am going on holidays tomorrow. I will try to write some Storys in Italy. I will post them next week. Have a nice day!

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