Wrong Way - Max Verstappen

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It's your first time in Austria and you are very excited. It's already Saturday and it's your first day on the track. Unfortunately you have only got a green card for the race.
When you are looking at the map, you see that two ways are leading to the green area. You are deciding to take the right one, because it's the nearest one. So you begin to walk. Due to the fact that the qualifying session will start in only 2 hours you are walking slower as normal.

After you walked a few minutes you get to the next checkpoint. They are scanning your card and you are a bit curious because the path is leading away from the Red Bull Ring. So you are deciding to ask the women, who is standing in front of you if you are still on your right way as she says 'Yes', you sigh relieved. So you go on walking, unfortunately you are going straight into the camping area. The moment you noticed the fact that you are definitely on your wrong way you are stopping your walk in frustration, but you don't want to go back, so you are just keep on walking. Then after a few hundred metres, is standing a very nice security guard who is explainig to you how you will come to the green area. You are following his instruction until you come to a parting of the ways. Meanwhile you are really annoyed because of the fact that you were to stupid to read the map in front of you right and you have still not found the area. Furthermore the qualifying session will start in less then 70 minutes.

You are deciding to make a brake to find the right way so you are going to the shadows of a big tree besides you. You are looking after some other fans with the same card as you, to ask them after the right way. You hope that you will find the green area after asking the third time. While you are taking a sip of water, you are watching some Red Bull Fans you are guessing that they are Dutch, just because of the fact that a few of them are wearing bright orange trousers. You admire that the dutch people are so passionate about formula one and you wish your nationality would be so passionate about it, too.

Totally lost in thoughts you haven't noticed that someone is standing in front of you. As you look up you are seeing a very handsome and tall guy in Red Bull clothes. The moment your eyes meet with his eyes, you are recognising him. Max Verstappen is standing in front of view. You want to spit out your water because you can't believe your luck. What are he doing here in the camping area? Shouldn't he be at the garage?
Luckily you can avoid that embarrassing moment but you swallow up. Immediately Max is leading forwards to reach you and clap on your back to help you. The touch of one of your favourite formula one drivers causing you to blush.
"Are you alright?", he is asking you and you are just nodding because you aren't able to speak.
A little smile is appearing on his face. "You looked a little bit lost under the tree so I have decided to walk over to you."
You smirk. "That's very nice from you. Unfortunately you are right. I am lost. I can't find the right way to the green area."
Max starting to laugh and you are glaring at him, although you can understand him it's embarrassing that you haven't found a way to the green area because of the fact that the circuit is round and there are not many paths to get lost.
"Maybe I can help you? Two eye pairs are seeing more then one. Give me the map."
Without any protest you are handing over the map. He is knitting one's brow and throwing the map away. "This shit of paper is useless. I have a much better idea" and with this words he is standing up and taking your hand. You can't believe what is just happening. Max Verstappen is holding your hand and you have barely talked to him! He even not know your name!

Hardly the thought hit you Max is starting to ask you some question.
"In cause of the fact that I am your hero of the day I think it's fair to know you a little bit better. Let's start with the basic like name and your age" He is smiling at you and you want to melt immediately. Although he is a stranger you are already feeling a better connection to him as to your ex-boyfriend at the beginning.
"I am Y/N and I am Y/A (your age) years old. And you are definitely my hero of the day and maybe my favourite driver but in which direction you are leading me? I am quite sure it's still the wrong way."
He is giving you are glare.
"Are you really believing that I am allowing your beautiful ass to sit on the ground? Then you are thinking wrong because I won't allow it. So you just come with me to the Red Bull Garage."
Your mouth fall open, you can't believe it. Max Verstappen is taking you with him.
"Close your mouth until you want that flies will land into it." He is saying with his beautiful smile.
You are blushing again and starting to stutter.
"I... I am s-s-sorry, but I can't believe that. The fact that I am talking to you, the fact you are holding my hand and trying to help me..."
Max stops walking and is looking directly into your eyes and into your self.
"Y/N... I never believed on love at first sight, so I cannot believe this whole situation, too. But now we are standing here, holding hands and the only thing we know from each other is name and age, but I want to know so much more about you. So let me help you, come with me to the box and enjoying yourself at the Austria GP and be my company for the next days."
And the only right thing you could do in this situation is to take a better hold of his hand and nodding.

Hey guys. A long time has gone since my last One Shot.  I hope you enjoyed the story! The idea for this One Shot came up on Saturday as I got lost at the track. I really have not found the way to the green area. Unfortunately no Max Verstappen has rescued my ass but some other fans. I am still very thankful.

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