Baking - Sebastian Vettel

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"Mommyyyyy!" Your little daughter Emilie is running to you.
She is very jittery today because she knows that her father, Sebastian, is finally coming home for a few weeks.
Especially for your kids the partings with Sebastian are hard.
They don't understand why your husband have to leave so often. Why he can't race at home like he is doing sometimes on the PlayStation.

As Emilie reached you she is pulling on your dress.
You lift her on your arms and giving her a kiss on her cheek.
Along the way your view wander to your second daughter Matilda, who is sitting in the garden and playing with a doll.

Both of your children have got the characteristic blue eyes and blond hair from Sebastian. It makes it easier for you to say good-bye to Sebastian when he has to leave again, because you know that he has two more reasons to come back after every race and you have two parts of him, near by you.

"Yes, Emilie?"
"Can we bake a cake for daddy... please?"
A smile is appearing on your face.
It's a kind of tradition that Emilie is doing something for her father as a welcoming present. The last time he got a red formula one car made of putty from her.
"Of course we can, but Matilda should help us, shouldn't she?"

You are calling for her and as she hears her name Matilda is running into the house. You are placing a chair in front of the kitchenet.
Emilie is climbing on it and you lift Matilda up on the worktop. Your children looking at you with big eyes, waiting for an announcement.

You have already prepared all the ingredients, so the only part for your daughters will be to fill everything together.
It's funny to bake together with your kids. They are amused of every single step you make and they could burst with pride because both of them can already help you.
Emilie just oil the cake tin, as Matilda is adding the flour to the dough. Matilda begins immediately to cough because she added the flour too fast and the flour is now everywhere. You are giggling as you see your daughter in the midst of the desaster.
You lift up Matilda again to clean her in the bathroom. When she is seeing herself in a mirror she starts to laugh.
Matilda interpret at her mirror image with the word "Ghost".
You are giggling. She is right, she really looks like a ghost.
"Come on, let's startle your big sister", you suggest and Matilda nodes heavily. She is a chip off the old block. Both of your kids love to make fun, like your husband and you don't know how this will end in a few years. Maybe all of your neighbours has gone because they can't stand the jokes of your kids?

You and Matilda are going back to the kitchen. Matilda is in front of you, ready to startle her big sister, who is now standing behind the chair and trying to put the flour on every inch of the cake tin. She always observe you while you are baking, so she already knows all the steps.
She is biting her tongue because she concentrates so much. Something Sebastian is doing, too. It's incredible how similar they are.

You already forgot that you want startle Emilie as Matilda is running to her bigger sister and shouting "Boooo!" You never thought that your idea come off, but Emilie appalled heavily. She react immediately by throwing some flour into the direction from Matilda.
Fortunately the flour never reached Matilda, who would have started to cry.

You are stepping between them and taking the cake tin and the flour away from Emilie.
"Okay, girls. I know It's funny to play with flour but we must finish the cake for daddy. Okay?"
Both of them are nodding and you help them back on the kitchenet.
You are ignoring the flour on the worktop and the ground, knowing that your girls want to throw some flour later again.
Especially on days, where Sebastian is coming home you are not severe. You can understand your kids because you are feeling the same way as they are feeling. Unfortunately you are too old to show it with throwing flour.

You just push the cake into the oven, when you are hearing Emilie and Matilda giggling. You turn around to see them on the ground with the flour package between them.
Both of them are coated with it.
Matilda is so amazed that she is clapping her hands, giggling more as she sees the flour flying into the air.
You sigh when you are thinking about the fact that you have to clean up later.
You just want to interrupt them as you hear the front door. Sebastian is finally back.

Of course the girls have heard the door, too. The flour is forgotten and they are running to your husband as fast as they can.
"Daddyyyyy!", both of them are calling out.
Sebastian kneels down to put your kids into a hug.
He is ignoring the fact that they are dirty and just enjoying it that he is finally back at home, by his wife and kids.

His view is crossing yours, you are having his full attention now. He stands up, lifting Matilda into his arms and taking Emilie by her hand. He bridges the gap between you and giving you a gently kiss.
His hand aparts from Emilie's and laying down on your belly, where your third kid is growing.
"How are my pregnant wife?", he asks with a smirke.
And in this moment you can't feel happier. You have finally back your whole family. At least for four weeks.

I hope you have enjoyed the One Shot. I had the idea yesterday while I was baking with my little brother. Requests are at the moment open.

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