Prompt 71 - Fernando Alonso

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Prompt 71: "I will keep you warm" for legolaslover1 I hope you will like it!

To be honest, swimming naked in the ocean with your boyfriend Fernando, wasn't the best decision you have ever made.
You felt really sick the last few days and today everything seems much more painful. You are coughing all day long and to stand up is much more exhausting than normal.

You are still laying in your bed as your boyfriend is coming home from his morning workout.
"Cariña? Where are you?", he is calling you. Fernando is a little distracted because you aren't in the living room.
"I am still in the bedroom, Nando" you are trying to answer him but the words are leaving your mouth just as a whisper, but Fernando was already on his way to your shared bedroom.

"Y/N, you are looking horrible, Cariña! Is there anything I can do for you?"
You are just shaking your head.
"No, I am fine. Just leave me alone... I don't want that you are the next person, who have a flu."
Fernando nods and leave you alone for a while, but instead of doing another workout he goes downstairs into your kitchen.

Helplessly Fernando is standing in front of the fridge. Your boyfriend never does the cooking, so he doesn't know how to make your favourite soup.
But Fernando isn't a person, who gives up easily. He is calling your mother to ask her, how to cook the soup. Unfortunately you haven't all ingredients at home, so Fernando is forced to go to the supermarket.
Prepared with a list he is leaving your house.

You are just scrolling through your social media accounts, as you hear Fernando leaving the house again. You are glad that he leaves you alone and concentrating on his training for the next race, which will be next week.
Due to your flu, you are trying to sleep a little bit, so your body is able to recover. A few minutes later you are already asleep and you don't hear the front door as Fernando is coming back. Your boyfriend tries his best to make the best soup of the world. When Fernando has finished, he is trying his masterpiece of soup and what should he say? Fernando must be a natural. Maybe he would be a good chef, if his racing career is going to an end.

You are still asleep as Fernando is opening the door to your shared bedroom.
Fernando's lips are curled up to a smile as he observes you, even with a blood-red nose and reddened eyes your the most beautiful woman in the whole world.

A soft shaking rip you out of your dreams.
"Nando?", you are asking raucously.
"I am here, Cariña. I am here."
The delicious smell of the soup is finally aprroaching you.
"Is that..."
"Your favourite soup."
You straighten up a little, so you are able to eat your favourite meal.
Fernando hands the bowl over to you and you start eating.
You are closing your eyes, as the delicious smell of the soup exploding on your tongue.
"It's delicious, Nando. And you really made it yourself?"
"I would do anything for you, so cooking is one of the easier parts."
You chuckling lightly but it's interrupted by a coughing fit.
"Oh, Cariña... I will never go into the ocean with you, again", Fernando sighs.

Unfortunately it isn't only a coughing fit, you start shivering, too.
The flu is getting worse.
"Can you bring me a blanket, please?"
Fernando nods and bringing you another blanket, but it seems like the blanket doesn't help. Fernando notices it, too and so he decided, that he has to do it himself.
"I will keep you warm, Y/N."
Fernando is laying down next to you and pull you closer to him.
Gladly about his decision, you are closing your eyes. Everything seems less fatal with Fernando on your side, even a flu.
"I love you, Fernando."
"I love you, too Cariña..."

A/N: Hey guys, at first I want to thank everyone, 6k reads and over 300 votes. I never thought that my book will be so successful. So a huuuuuuuge thanks to everyone. Unfortunately I won't be able to keep up updating regular. I am going to start working in already 2 days. Time is flying... I hope you are understanding it.

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