Signing Session - Daniel Ricciardo

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You are standing in the front row.
You skipped the qualifying session to meet your idols and get a sign of them on your cap and maybe a picture with one of them.
Your legs are hurting because you are standing over two hours now and you hadn't any chance to walk or move your legs a little bit so you are very happy as Kimi Räikkönen is entering the stage and you know that the signing session is going to start right now.

It has taken over 1 hours as finally your favourite two drivers are entering the stage. Max Verstappen and Daniel Ricciardo.
You are cheering loudly and crying out both of their names. You are following Max and Daniels career since the beginning and you can't be happier to see them finally in person with the only obstruction a fence.

The host is asking some questions until Max is going downstairs to the first fans. Meanwhile some people behind you are screaming for a shoey from your favourite Aussie, but Daniel is just shaking his head and following Max.

You are following every movement of the two drivers until Max is standing in front of you. You are too scared to talk to him and so you are just holding out your cap, which he is signing for you.
You are overcoming your weaker self and asking the young Dutch for a selfie. He is smilling at you and following your wish by taking your phone and taking a picture from both of you. You can't believe your luck and you thanks him for the selfie.
Sometimes you hate yourself that you are such a shy person.

Soon after that Daniel is coming nearer to your spot. You put yourself together and taking a deep breath. He is just a person as you are. This sentence you are saying again and again. Daniel is - by far - your favourite driver and you have the opinion that he is the most handsome guy on earth. You are so nervous and so you are closing your eyes and try to calm down.

As you open your eyes again you are directly watching in the hazelnut-brown eyes from Daniel Ricciardo himself. Your breath is taken away by the intensity of his look. His smile is getting a little bit wider, if this is even possible.
"You are one of the most beautiful formula-one-fans I have ever seen and that is something you can be really proud of because I know Adriana Lima due to the fact thet she had visited the Monaco GP."
You are listening carefully, English isn't your first language and with his thick australian accent it's very hard to understand him. The only things you could clearly understand were "beautiful" and "Adriana Lima."
You are blushing. You have never thought that Daniel Ricciardo would notice you.
"Have this beautiful lady in front of me a name?", he is asking you.
You turn to a darker shade of red.
"I am Y/N", you reveal with your soft voice, which is directly going into Daniels heart. Sometimes he can be such a softy.

Due to the fact that you are not the only fan waiting for his autograph, he is taking your cap and signing it, but instead of handing it back he is turning the cap around. Daniel writes something in the inside of the cap and handing it back to you. You are waving after him and you thanks him for the autograph. Before you are pulling your cap back on your head you are looking at the inside of it. And there it is, a phone number.
You are looking back to Daniel, who is catching your look. He holds up one of his hands to his ear and make the typical "Call-me-maybe-pose."
A big smile is appearing in your face and you are nodding. You will definitely deal the number, even if you will be just a girl for one night. You won't miss this chance.

Hey guys. I am sorry that this One Shot was so short but I wrote the last sentence and thought it would be a good end. I am thinking about a second part but I am not sure. Partly it's so hard for me to write because I don't know how to write all my impressions, feelings and thoughts down in English.
I hope I will improve with every One Shot I will write in the future.
If you have any suggestions how I can improve  please feel free to tell me.

Have a nice day guys!

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