Standing in the rain - Sebastian Vettel

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You are sitting in the Ferrari Garage, while your boyfriend, Sebastian, is sitting in his car. Both of you are waiting for the beginning of the first practice. Unfortunately, it's raining very heavy and driving on the circuit is impossible. Anyway you are enjoying the day and looking forward to the rest of the weekend. You know that Sebastian doesn't like rain. If the sun isn't shinning he is most of the time kind of grumpy. In this case you are the complete opposite of Sebastian. You love the cloudy weather and enjoy rain very much.

One hour later the practice is completely cancelled. Sebastian step out of his car and puts off his helmet. You immediately see that Sebastian is bad-tempered. Your boyfriend is going to the back of the garage and you are following him.
He is standing with the back to you and talking to his race engineer Riccardo. You are waiting until they stop talking and then you hug your boyfriend from behind with a huge smile on your face. Sebastian smiles sadly back.
You thrown.

"What's up Sebastian?"
"Y/N. I feel so sorry that I can't show you myself in action today. It's rarely that you come with me. Now you are here and the only thing you can watch is the rain, which is falling down."
He sighs.
"Sebastian! Don't worry! I can't be happier! The only thing, which really matters is that I am with you. I was so long without you, it doesn't matter that it's raining. Furthermore I love the rain and the only thing I love more than the rain is you. I love you, Sebastian!"
Your boyfriends smile is getting a little bit bigger.
"I love you, too Y/N"
You take Sebastians hand.
"Come on, let's go back to the hotel"
Your boyfriend is nodding.
"I guess that's the best idea."

Meanwhile it's evening. You are laying in the bed and cuddling with Sebastian, who paint through your hair.
Your boyfriend is looking at his mobile phone.
"The weather is going better tomorrow. Than I can show you how incredible talented your boyfriend is"
You laugh.
"You don't have to improve, which great driver you are. You are a four time world champion. Everyone knows that you are incredible talented!"
"Maybe you are right, but I feel so bad when I can not drive."
"I know, but sometimes it's too dangerous."
Your boyfriend nods. "I know. Why you must always be right?"

It's Saturday. For the drivers it were possible to drive 30 minutes of the last practice in the forenoon.
The qualifying should start in 10 minutes, but unfortunately it's raining very heavy again.
You sigh, because you know that Sebastian would be disappointed. He always wants to show you, what he is loving more than anything other on the world.
You are a little bit bored, but with the boredom an idea comes up.
You know that your idea must work because the first session of the qualifying is cancelled. The new start should be in 30 minutes.
Subsequently Sebastian is stepping out of his car and put off his helmet. He is immediately going to you.

"I am so sorry, my love. I hate this weather. I just feel so bad for you, that you flew this long way for nothing!"
You are shaking your head.
"Sebastian, stop it! It's every time the same. I'm enjoying every moment of this weekend. I am with you! And if you say something in that way again, I am really getting mad because my boyfriend is like the grumpy cat!"
"Forgive me, Y/N, but I can't help..."
Before Sebastian could finish his sentence, you are laying your hands on his cheeks and give him a short kiss.
"I love you and shut up, please."
You are going away from your boyfriend and walking to the outside of the garage. You are enjoying the feeling, when the rain drops are falling onto you. You spread out your arms and yell happily.
When you look back to the garage, a really surprised Sebastian Vettel is standing there and watching you.
"Y/N, you are incredible", he says.
You are hearing the crowd in the background, who are watching you.
"Maybe, or you are a party pooper!"
"I'm not a party pooper and I am not stupid! You will catch your death, if you don't go back into the garage!"
Now your plan can start. You are acting like you would go back to the garage but you stop, when you are standing in front of Sebastian. You are still outside.
"Come on, Y/N! Don't be stupid!"
"Catch me if you can", you reply and stepping back.
Sebastian sighs annoyed.
"Don't do that!"
You are shrugging and make another step.
Your plan works because Sebastian is following you and so the game goes on until both of you are standing in the middle of the pit lane.
"Now, we are both wet...", you are determining.
"I hate you", Sebastian replys.
"Oh no, you love me. Everyone knows that." You bend over and give Sebastian an intensive kiss.
You hear the cheers from the fans.
"Look, the fans are loving me too. Because I got you out of the garage, although it's raining and everybody knows that you don't go out if it's raining."
Sebastian is laughing again.
"Maybe you are right, again... Can you wait a moment?" You are curious but you are nodding. Sebastian is running back into the garage a few moments later, he comes back with a few Ferrari caps.
"Let's make some fans really happy!"
Sebastian takes your hand and goes to the pit wall. He helps you to get over the wall and follows you.
Both of you are running to the grandstands. You are giving Sebastian the caps and he throws them to the fans.
Sebastian smile is huge as he looks back to you.
"You are right. I love you, Y/N"

My third One Shot is done. It took me a little bit longer. I am so sorry about it. By the way this one was a request from VettelFerrari I hope you liked it.
If you have requests by your own feel free to tell me.

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