Prompt 34 - Carlos Sainz

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Prompt 34: "You would be a great dad" for PedalToTheFloor enjoy it!

The sun is tickling you through the closed curtains, the birds are already singing and the wonderful smell of coffee is waking you up. With a small smile you open your eyes. You are definitely ready for the upcoming day, but before you join your boyfriend of 4 years in the kitchen, you are checking on Instagram.

Carlos posted a picture of you two with the words 'Te amo'.
Your smile is getting brighter. Even if you hear those two words everyday you will never get used to it. To be with Carlos is the greatest thing that ever happened to you and you could not imagine a world without him. He makes the world to a better place and he makes you to a better person. It sounds like a cliché but it's the truth.
You like the picture and scroll through the comments, of course they are still hater, who don't like you or say that you are ugly and don't deserve to be with someone like Carlos, but the times of being depressed about comments like that are over. You learned to ignore them, thanks to Carlos. He always told you, that you are beautiful, that he only wants to be with you and that they are only jealous of you.
Nowadays you aren't taking it personal anymore, not every person can like you and you have learned that.

After a while on scrolling through your feed you decide to go downstairs. As you walk through the kitchen, your gaze is catching immediately the table, which is full with food. It seems like Carlos wants to spoil you today.
"Good morning, corazon. Have you slept well?"
You go over to Carlos and wrap your arms around his naked torso, your hands stroke carefully over his trained body and your cheek is touching his back.
You close your eyes and listen to his steady heartbeat. It was one with yours.
"I slept like a baby... is there a reason for this wonderful breakfast?"
"Do I need a reason to spoil my girl?"
"No, not really"
Carlos turns around, now he is wrapping his arms around you. He gives you a short kiss on your lips and is smiling down on you.
"You are making me to the happiest man in this world, do you realise that?"
You just want to answer as Carlos start speaking again.
"And maybe I forgot to tell you that Christian invited us to visit him and his family. And I know you prefer staying at home, but he is my former boss and I couldn't say no and..."
"Carlos, it's okay. I think I can share you for a few hours," you smirk.
"So this is the reason for the breakfast?"
"Yes, I am sorry, mi amor"
"Nothing to be sorry about, honey"

A few hours later you are standing in front of the door of Christians and Geris house.
You stopped at a gas station to buy a bouquet of flowers for Geri and a bottle of wine for Christian. It should be enough, at least you hope so.
Christian opens the door and gives you a kiss on your cheek.
"It's been a long time since I saw you, Y/N. I have missed you on Carlos side"
"Unfortunately my studie is keeping me busy," you say with a sad smile.
You love to be independent, but you hate to be apart of Carlos. You can't wait to finish your studie this year.
It seems like Carlos is reading your mind than he interrupts your thoughts.
"Fortunately, you will see her more often again. Only a few months are left until her final exams," Carlos tells Christian proudly and pulls you a little closer to him.
"Then she will be with me on every race. Am I right, mi amor?"
"Young love, what a beautiful sight," Christian interrupts both of you
"Come in, we are making a barbecue"

You just walk through the door into the garden as someone hits you from the side.
"OMG, Y/N! I am sorry but I am trying to catch Monty. Have you seen him? Oh, there he is, bye Y/N"
"Hi Daniel, bye Daniel" you say more to yourself because the Red Bull driver is vanished again.
You sit down next to Max, who stares at his mobile phone. Just as you want to say something Daniel appears behind him and takes Max phone.
"Oooh, Max has a girlfriend. Attention, please. Max has a girlfriend!" Daniel shouts and run away from the angry Dutch, who tries to get his phone back.
You laugh at the two and look over to your boyfriend, who looks as amused as Christian and Geri.
"They will never grow up, am I right?" Christian asks and looks down at his son.
"Be never like those two, okay? You would do me a big favour, little boy"

A little later your gaze fall on Carlos. He is sitting in the flask along with Monty and Olivia. He tries to build a formula one car, but Monty is destroying it every time with his tiny hands. The giggles from the little boy are heartwarming and you can't help falling in love with the scene in front of you.
Geri sits down next to you, her gaze in the same direction as yours.
"He is great to the kids. They love him and always want to visit him in the garage"
"Really? Carlos love kids, he always tries to spend as much time as possible with his little fans. I can't wait to see him with his own kids"
"He would be a great dad, Y/N"
"Yes, he would be"

A few hours later all of you are sitting around the table. You already eaten and now talk about everything what comes into your mind. Carlos is next to you, Monty fast asleep in his lap. Carefully he strokes over the blonde hair of the young boy. Your wish to get kids is getting bigger and bigger with every moment Carlos shares with this beautiful boy.
Your boyfriend notices your gaze and look at you with a questioning look.
You lean over to him and whisper: "You would be a great dad"
A smile appears and Carlos takes your hand. "And you would be a great mom, mi amor. I think we should train a little tonight, you know in case you want kids in the future"
"I think you are right, Mr. Sainz"
Carlos gives you a passionate kiss and you hear a "disgusting" from Daniel.
You both interrupt your kiss and Carlos turns his attention to Daniel. "Screw you, Ricciardo"

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