Finally - Lewis Hamilton

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Finally you can lay down on the couch. The babyphone is standing on the table, but you are sure your little daughter won't cry for at least 3 hours. You gave birth to your and Lewis child Y/D/N only 7 weeks ago.
Of course it's the best time of your life. You are married and Y/D/N is really an angel.
But the life as a mother is not a bed of roses. It's exhausting, you have to stand up every 3 hours to feed and winding your little daughter, unfortunately Lewis isn't always at home to help you, until now. Lewis promised you to retire after this season. He wants to be with you and your daughter.

Yesterday was indeed a good race for Lewis, but he still lost the championship.
Of course you are happy for Nico and Vivian but the feeling is overweight by disappointment. You can't stand the fact that you wasn't with him. You would have done everything, just to have the chance to lay your arms around Lewis and comfort him until he can show his incredible smile again. It was heart breaking to see him like this. The tears he couldn't resist anymore. The veil of sadness and disappointment in his eyes.

But both of you have decided it's the best for Y/D/N, not to come with your husband and stay at home and supporting him with all the love, which is possible over facetime.
Fortunately Lewis will walk through the door in 5 hours.

Altough Lewis hasn't shown it, you know that he thinks that he is a disappointment for his family and friends.
In fact that you know your husband like your back of your hand, you know that he wants to see nobody until he is ready to see them again.
So you had to be creative to show Lewis, how proud you, his parents and his friends are.

You texted everybody from your friends, that they should make a short video for Lewis, in which everybody is telling him how proud they are, about him, his achievements and of course his decition to be with you and your little daughter.
Luckily everybody followed your request and you already cut the short videos together to a big one.

You have fallen asleep, as suddenly your daughter starts crying. A little confused you are getting up and going directly to the room of Y/D/N.

Every time you are crossing the line between the hallway and her room a smile is appearing on your face.
You remember it like it was yesterday.
As soon you knew that you and Lewis are getting a little girl, you started to plan a little paradise in pink.
Together you have painted the walls and you watched your husband as he fit up the little bed for Y/D/N.
It was one of the most beautiful and funniest days you have ever had with him and he thought the same way. Lewis can't wait to be finally with you and your daughter. The fact that he hasn't to leave you again, made the moment a little bit sweeter. Lewis has so much plans for his little family, he wants to show your little daughter the world. Especially the world from you and Lewis.
The place where you first met.
The place where your first kiss was.
The place where the first 'I love you' went over your lips.
The place where he went down to one knee.
The place where you have promised to love each other until the end.

You feed and winding Y/D/N again and searching for the dress, which she will wear tonight for Lewis. Of course you bought a similar one for yourself.
After you brought Y/D/N back to bed, you start cleaning the house.
You have still over 2 hours until Lewis is coming, so you are taking your time.

You just put the flowers on the table, as you are hearing the roar of an engine. Lewis is finally back.
The last hour you have decorated the house and connected your mobile phone with the TV, so you only have to put the on-button later.
Furthermore you dressed up yourself and Y/D/N.
You are holding her in your arms and go to the front door to welcoming the love of your life.

Lewis just putting out his package, as he sees you and your daughter.
The disappointment is washed away as soon as he sees his family. He completely forgets his package and is going directly to you.
He takes Y/D/N into his arms and giving her a gently kiss on her cheek. Your daughter starts giggling and laying her little hands onto Lewis chin. The moment between them is so beautiful and emotional that you can't help yourself and so you start crying.
Every tear, which is falling on the ground is standing for the ups and downs of your time you have spend together.
The moments of love.
The moments of disagreement.
The moments of fighting.
The moments of passion.
Of course Lewis is looking to you, immediately.
His free arm is closing around you, pulling you nearer to his chest.
Lewis is pressing his lips onto yours, with all his emotions in it. Passion. Desire. Love.

"I am here, baby. I am here and I will never leave you and our daughter again. My family is my highest priority now and this will never change. I love you, Y/N"
"I love you too Lewis, until our ways will separate."

It took some time until you have the chance to show Lewis the video of his family and friends.
You know that your husband is still disappointed of himself and you hope that the video will help him to get over it, that he can fully concentrate on his family and friends.

Lewis is just sitting on the couch with Y/D/N on his lap as you switch the TV on.
The screen is showing at first his father, then his brother, his mother, his stepmother and so on, until you and your little daughter is on the screen. Y/D/N holds up a little shield: "Welcome back, Dad!"

You look back at your husband, who stopped his movements.
He fights.
Against the tears.
And at that moment you know, you did everything right.
A party with all his family and friends would have been wrong. He wasn't ready, but you are sure that Y/D/N will be the best medicine for him, to show his incredible smile again and the thoughts about the lost championship will be burried under thousand of moments with his family and friends.

Hey guys. I hope you had a nice weekend! I was very busy so I hadn't much time to write.
This One Shot was a request by VaneMaza I hope you have liked it!

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