Prompt 68 - Fernando Alonso

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Prompt 68: "I can't sleep, can I stay here?" for legolaslover1 I am sorry that you had to wait that long

"Good night, mamá"
"Sleep well, Y/D/N"
You give your 4 year old daughter a quick kiss on her forehead.
"I love you" you whisper before you turn around and walk towards the door.
"Mamá?" you hear your daughter call before you can turn off the light.
"Can you tell papá to look under my bed? I think there is a monster..."
"Of course. He will look under your bed and now try to sleep"
"Mamá! There is a monster under my bed how am I supposed to sleep?"
"You are right. I will tell him"
"Ok, good night, mamá"

You fall down next to your husband, a huge sigh escape you.
"The usual?" Fernando looks at you with a questioning look.
"Yes, the monster is under her bed, again."
"I should look after her, but I would rather do this"
He takes your hand in his and trails kisses on your wedding band upwards to your neck. You lean back your head, so Nando has better access, your eyes fall down.
Since you have given birth to your first child and a husband, who is a racing driver, private time is limited.
You love the little moments between you two.
Suddenly you hear your daughter cry.
"Mamá! Papá! I think the monster is moving! Help meeeeee!"
Fernando separates from you, an annoyed expression is written on his face.
"Go to bed, I will look after the monster"
You nod.
"You are our hero, Nando"
"Or our daughter thinks I am ugly and can scare any monster away, just with my face"
"Exactly, and now please rescue our daughter"
"On my way, mylady"

You look at your husband as he walks through the door and towards the stairs, one hand is laying on your belly.
Meanwhile you can't hide your second pregnancy anymore. You are already in the 5th month and with every week, any step you take is getting more exhausting. Especially with your daughter, who is a real "Daddies girl" and doesn't want to listen to you.

You clean up a little before you go upstairs. You can see that the light is still on in Y/D/Ns room. You go towards it and lean onto the door frame.
Half of Fernandos body is under the bed and your daughter leans over the edge of it. Giggling at the sight of her father.
"Have you seen it, papá?"
"I think I got it. Do you want to see it?"
Your daughter let out a little scream as Fernando appears from under the bed with closed hands. He comes nearer to her and start tickling her.
Joyfull laughers escaping Y/D/N.
"Papá! Stop! Th-the monster!"
"The monster is gone, you can sleep now."
Fernando takes Y/D/Ns blanket and covering the little girl with it.
"Good night, mi amor. Try to sleep. Your mamá has to rest."
"Yes, Y/D/N?"
"When my little brother is here will you still rescue me from the monster?"
"Of course, mi amor. I will rescue you any time. No matter what."
"Okay, papá. Good night"
"Good night"
Your heart breaks a little at the sight. You never knew that your princess is scared that you or Fernando will forget her as soon as your little boy is born.
Your husband is now standing next to you, he gives you a kiss on your cheek.
"Y/N... it's alright... you don't have to cry..."
You haven't realised that you cry until Nando said it. He is spreading his arms and you take it as a welcome to fall into his arms.
"I-It's just a little to much. I never thought that she will think in this way..."
"Y/N... You have to calm down. She will love to have a little brother. Everything is going to be ok"
You sneef a last time and look up to Fernando.
"You are right... You know the hormones."
"I know, it's your second pregnancy. Remember?"
You chuckle.
"Oh really, Mr. Alonso? I am not sure about it"
Oh, how much you hate your mood swings.
"I am always right. And now we go to bed. I have the feeling that someone will join us this night."

And he was right. It took maybe 2 hours until someone turn on the lights in the floor. You hear the little steps of your daughter.
You turn around to Y/D/N. She is standing in the door frame. Her thumb in her mouth and with the other hand she is holding her plush toy.
"Mamá? Papá?", She whispers into the dark.
"I c-can't sleep... I think the monster is back... C-can I stay here?"
Fernando chuckles softly before he lifts up his blanket.
"Come over here, mi amor. You can stay."
"Thanks, papá. Do you think it's okay for mamá?"
You smile a little, since you have told your daughter that you carry her little brother in you, she is very carefully with you. Never wants to interrupt you.
"It's alright. I never want to skip the chance to cuddle with you" you tell her.
"And come over here, you already had enough from papá."
"Okay, mamá" And as soon as you said it, Y/D/N was under your blanket, as near as possible to your belly.
"Mamá? You look like you have eaten a ball," She giggles.
"Maybe I have eaten a ball? Who knows?"
"But mamá, that isn't possible..." She whispers.
"I do not want to interrupt you two, but I want to cuddle, too!" Fernando calls suddenly out.
"Papá, you can come over, too."
"That's very kind of you, mi amor"
Fernando comes closer to the both of you, he takes your hand and squeal it.
"And now girls, we are going to sleep..."
Suddenly your daughter remembers why she came to your bed.
"But the monster!"
Fernando let out a sigh.
"It doesn't have the balls to come into our room, and now sleep, mi Amor!"
"Wow, Fernando. You make me speechless", you laugh
"I hope so" he answers "And now, sleep!"

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