Prompt 7 - Daniel Ricciardo

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Prompt 7: "Did they hurt you?" for saoirse98 I hope you will like it.

Adrenalin is pumping through your veins, your eyes have this special sparkling in it, your feet can't stand still.
Everyone can see, how excited you are.
You have waited over 200 days. Thousands of hours. Million of seconds.
The time has come. Now.

Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen are entering the stage ahead of the Australian Formula One race.
You as an Aussie are cheering loudly for your favourite man on this planet. The honeybadger.
But you are not the only one.
Hundred of people are with you. In front of you, beside you or behind of you.

You don't care about the mass of people until someone behind you shove you. Totally surprised of the suddenly movement you fall on your knees.

Pain is going through your knee as you try to stand up again. You hadn't notice that everyone is silent and you hadn't noticed that Daniel Ricciardo himself watched you all the time.

"Hey, Idiot", he says and pointing at the guy behind you. "The girl you just shove, she is a fan of me. Just leave, ok? And don't you dare to cross my eyes again!"
Securities are coming your way, the jerk behind you have to leave immediately.
But he is not the only one.
One of the guards says to you to come with him.

"But... but... I have waited so long to see Daniel live and now I should just leave?!"
"Madam, you are hurt. An ambulanceman have to check it out."
"I'm fine, ok?"
The guard sighs in annoyance, he knows that you won't give up easily.

Meanwhile Daniel left the stage. He watched you all the time and now he can see that you won't leave.
He is jumping over the fence, which are separating him from the fans. They are going crazy right now, but he doesn't care.
He only cares about the girl, who fell and won't leave.
With every step he is nearer to the girl, his heart is beating faster.

You are still fighting with the guard, as someone behind him is catching your eye.
Daniel Ricciardo is clearing his way towards you.
Your mouth may fall open as the handsome Australian is in front of you, and his dark brown eyes, which are filled with concern, are catching your look.

"Did he hurt you?"
"Eh..." you aren't able to say anything, no sound is leaving your mouth.
You can only shake your head.
"I know the Idiot hurt you, ok? Please don't lie. I want that someone checks you out, I couldn't live with myself if something worse is happening with you, ok?"
You nod.
"Ok, you are right," you say in a lower voice and you start staring at the ground. You are ashamed of yourself. All these attention. Everyone is watching you. And you are afraid of it.
"I will go with you," you say to the guard so you can leave this place as fast as possible and you can flee in the tent of the ambulance so nobody can see you anymore.

Just as you want to make a step, pain hit your knee.
Everyone can read of your face that you are under pain and Daniel is the first one, who react. He lifts you up in bridal style and follows the guard to the ambulance.
"You know, I thought I would lift you up like this, when you are in a white dress, but I think the Red Bull gear suits you, too"

You are astonished of the man, who is holding you. How can something like that even happen?
"You just made an indirectly proposal, Mr. Ricciardo," you chuckle.
"I may not know your first name, but I am sure it will suit Ricciardo perfectly, darling"
Your cheeks are turning into a Ferrari red and you are hiding your face.
"Y/N, my name is Y/N"
Daniels smile is getting bigger.
"Y/N Ricciardo, I was right, but before we plan our wedding we should check out your knee, darling"

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