Parental Instincts (Part 1 of 3)

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Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound
~Safe and Sound ~ Taylor Swift~

...School: October 11, 2010...

"Alright class," the teacher speaks, dragging a cart behind her close to the end of class.

She smacks the edge of my desk, waking me up. "I don't wanna get up yet, papa..."

"Miss Jolene!" the teacher shouts.

I immediately sit up. "Huh? Who do I have to kil–Oh, um... Hi?"

The teacher rolls her eyes and begins to talk again. "For those that are actually listening, how many of you plan to be parents one day?"

Me as a mom? Ha! "Yeah, right..."

Most everyone in the room raises their hands, except obviously me and a few others.

"This week's project will show you what parenthood is all about," she continues. "And for those of you who are failing, it will give you a chance to catch up. This assignment will count as half of your final grade." She picks up a baby from the cart and it coos, making all the girls and some guys aww. I roll my eyes, they aren't as sweet as you might think. "Yes, they are really cute, until you have the responsibility of caring for them."

"Truth!" I shout, causing me to get some odd stares.

"Anyway, that's exactly what you will be doing this week. Feeding, bathing, changing it, whatever it takes. I've divided you into random couples," she says, handing the baby to me. "Dawn, you are with Chad."

"Shit..." I mumble. Chad gives a triumphant whoop as he looks over at me. I simply hand him the baby.

She passes out the rest of the babies. "Each of your babies has a built in computer which registers the amount of care or lack of care given. The score will determine your grade. Each baby comes with two bracelets, one for each of you. This bracelet is not to come off and is waterproof. If the bracelet comes off I'll know. The farthest you can be away from your baby is 30 yards. The bracelet connects you to your baby, unlatch it and your grade goes down. One of you have to be near the baby at all times or your grade goes down. The babies will show you a wide range of emotions for their needs and you need to fulfill those needs."

"Mrs. Lee, what happens if we drop it?" Chad asks.

I roll my eyes at the question. Idiot.

She lifts the baby she is holding and lifts it up, letting it go. It smacks against the floor. "You fail," the baby speaks.

Mine begins to cry as Chad almost drops it, but I quickly catch it with my speedy reflexes, giving Chad a glare. It continues crying and everyone just looks at me. I sigh and begin to rock it. "I feel like an idiot."

Everyone moves to be next to their partner. Chad carefully takes the baby into his arms.

"How about I make a deal with you?" Chad asks, rocking the baby.

"I'm listening," I reply.

"You take care of this, and I'll do all your math for the rest of this week," Chad says.

"Somehow, I don't trust you with my math grade."

"And your science."

"Sorry, I can't have this baby 24/7. I have important things to do."


"Fine, it's a deal, but, you have him overnight. I'll keep him during the day."

He groans. "Fine..."

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