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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Ok. So I think this should be talked about. Not that I hate any of you guys. Just... friends in general and if you want to be friends with me.

(Red is most likely no exception, blue is possible exception, and purple is just puts up some alarms)

(Homophobic, racist, etc.) If you are homophobic/ racist/ sexist/ transphobic/ etc. JOKINGLY every now and then.... I will probably still be friends with you. Cause who doesn't make a joke like that once in their life? I'm gay and I make homophobic jokes sometimes to my friends. That know I'm joking
But if you are legitimately those things... I won't even talk to you. Nope.

(Boss me around) Ok... my friends boss me around. Most people do. You might get a stab with a pencil or a "no" from me so try at your own risk XD.
But generally, I let my friends boss me around. As long as it's not rude I don't care.

(Calling me names) I don't prefer to be called the words in that box. Even if it's joking. But if your close to me... you can call me any names jokingly. Except for a tiny few. I can tell if your being rude or not.
I like being called names jokingly though. I do it too. So don't apologize after calling me stupid or something jokingly. Like, I really don't care I know I'm freaking dumb sometimes.

(Doesn't like me as much as I like them) ok... when I have a friend... I become very possessive and protective. Very. Chances are if I talk to you on a regular basis... I like you a very lot. And I will probably show it. It may be in odd ways sometimes. I'm that kind of person that messages every day and gets upset if you don't. (But won't tell you).
And chances are... I like you more than you like me. So I'm used to it.
But if you don't show you care at all... I can't be friends with you.

And leaving me on read is just a pet peeve of mine. If you do it every time it will be an issue but overall I don't care. Actually I do slot but it won't stop me from being friends with you.

That was a lot. Sorry.

I had a good day today though. So no sad rants. I think XD

I'm gonna go draw boi it's vacation

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