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I literally got home from school, ate, then slept for an hour

It was much needed and I'm still tired but it feels nice.

I've gotten better at napping. I used to sleep in the afternoons and wake up feeling terrible even if I wasn't sick. Or if only sleep if I'm sick.

I had to learn how to nap because I simply don't get enough sleep anymore.

Ugh. My dad just storms into my room and points at me and says "lemon lime or mocha?" I asked what? And he just kept repeating and says I don't need to know yet I know it's part of dinner and I? Do? Need? To? Know?
Like... how can I make a decision if I don't know it?

Ugh. And then he just walked out not letting me choose. He's so damn immature all the time.

I'm not talking about regular teenage girl hates dad thing, like I like him.

But he acts like he's 2.

He makes poop jokes that not even a toddler would find funny. And sings all the time. But not like actual singing. Like ... it's hard to explain. And if you ask him to stop. He just mocks you and keeps doing it.

It pisses me off so much.

I just want him to be serious for once.

The only time he is serious is when he's yelling at me to clean my room.

He even mocks me when I'm anxious too.

No one is giving me questions so I'll just answer the few I got from one person

What is your least favorite drawing?

Of mine? Probably my old ones. I hate a lot of my art honestly.

Who's your favorite character from Hamilton?

Peggy, Eliza, Laurens, Angelica
Probably Angelica though

Have you ever seen a broadway musical?

I've never been to broadway but I've listened to Hamilton, dear even Hansen, a bit of others
And watched online, heathers, and wicked

Have you ever taken art classes?

Not really. Our school has an art class that everyone has to take and I did that. But other than that nope.

My drawings 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang