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Most people post this in their bio or whatever but I don't so...

Most people post this in their bio or whatever but I don't so

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I go by she her pronouns but if you screw up I don't care.
I was born female.
I'm bi but I like girls better. I'm pretty much gay.
I like dresses and stuff but I'm worried what people will say if I'm in one so I mainly wear yoga pants or leggings XD
So I kinda look like a guy. Says my family.

I have long hair though.

I'm in the closet kinda.

My dad knows I'm bi. My brother does. My friends do. Some people at school do. I don't tell people unless they ask.
But my mom doesn't know.
The rest of my family doesn't know.

She's not even homophobic or anything. I just hate serious conversations and I knoooowwwww she knows already. I make hints all the time.
So if I tell her it's weird ugh.
I don't know how to tell her.

And the rest of my family doesn't know because my mom doesn't and..... I don't want them to until I am like 18.

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