
82 4 19

I'm actually terrified. I think I might be going back into a depressed state. I don't have depression. I think.

But last year there was this... quite long period of time when.... I was really upset. I felt like a burden on everyone Yada yada.

For awhile I was good.

I was....... happy

But it's all going down again. Everything. I'm not going to do anything stupid don't worry. I love my family too much to do that. And why am I so special I get to die?

I just.... am really upset. Really upset.

I bawled my eyes out last night at like 11 and woke everyone in my house up. I felt so bad for doing that which only made it worse.

I haven't done that in so long.

I hate myself right now.

It's not just the friend thing if your thinking "that's dramatic. All over a friend" your right I'm still dramatic but it's not just that. It's a lot of stuff.

I don't know.

I guess I can focus more on my schoolwork.

I'm still not sure if I'm gonna have to stay back or go to summer school or not.

I'm scared.

I talked to the counselor today but she's never there oml.

I talked for 8 seconds no joke.

And she didn't even answer my question.

I'm so sorry 

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