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I finished 13 reasons why.

(Promise no huge spoilers but if your a bit squeamish then don't read)

So it's me, my mom, my 11 year old brother, and my grandmother. On the couch. Watching the last two episodes of 13 reasons why.

There is this scene where it shows a flashback of Hannah taking razor blades from her bathroom and cutting her wrists. As well as bleeding out in a tub.

My whole family was sobbing.

I was just sitting, staring.

It's not that that stuff doesn't upset me honestly. It hits in a vulnerable area.

My mom now keeps reminding me never to kill myself or hurt her like that haha.

I feel terrible for lying about how I feel and what I go through. Even simple things. I always keep secrets from everyone. It's part of .... me?

It would be too much to explain anyways. Even if they cared.

I am not going through anything serious! Don't worry. Haha. I'm sorry for going off like that.

Just drama is all. Complicated drama. Trust me... if there was anything really serious I'd tell someone.

But the thing is I've seen and been through so much. Everything in that show I'm very familiar with e en if I haven't gone through it myself.

Gfrcuhhjj im not looking for attention I'm just bored.

And I'm giving my friends the silent treatment but it's not like they give a shit anyways haha.

I always say "I hate drama" yet I'm literally drama myself. And I get into drama that's not mine on purpose.

I'm stuuupid


I made potatoes tiday. Just kidding not really I was just the hostess (with the mostess)

I washed the dishes and made this other guy dry them and put them away because I'm a dick.

He was being a dick too so it all good. Haha.

I choked on pepper


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