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So sorry this isn't art. I just....... need to.... like... rant.

So.... I have anxiety as you all know. It's freaking bad. It causes me so many issues especially with school. I actually don't care about school exeot for my anxiety. Like, that's basically the only reason school is so bad.

And it causes me to leave class often. Like, really often. I hate it and I feel like I am just a burden on myself and the nurse and my dad for calling him all the time and going to the nurse.

Well .... it causes a lot of stress.

I also have shitty grades partially because of that. I'm not in class all the time and I don't do my homework and I don't pass my work in all the time because I'm disorganized and forgetful.

Like.... really bad grades.

I have had three consecutive F's in math this year. This is the last term.

My parents are making me stay for late help every week.
And..... it's so.... damn.... stressful. And scary for me. Not to mention I don't need it. I know the math.
So I just sit in a room after school with a bunch of screaming kids. And it ends at 2:30. But the late buses don't come until 3:30. So I have to wait an hour in another room with a bunch of kids. And then I get on a bus with a driver that has to clue where things are.

I usually am so scared and drained by 1:40 but staying until 4:00 fdfgghhh I can't do it.
Like, it scares me just thinking about it.

I'm so scared.

About everything.

Right now.

And I just want to cry.

I hate my anxiety so much.

I wish more than anything in the entire universe that It would just..... go the hell away forever!

I'm so sorry.

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