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Both sides of my friends rejected me.

I literally have no friends. And I mean that seriously.

Thank god I talk to some other people in class because if I didn't I'd be screwed.

I guess I'll have to sit with some new people. And hope they accept me.

I'm crying right now I'm so stupid.

I want to delete this whole book.

But I don't want to delete the art and kind words.

I really hate my life right now. 👍🏼

The new people I'm gonna sit with hardly even care about me.

And they aren't as fun as my old friends.

But I mean, at least they treat me ok.

This one guy tiday came to sit next to me in directed study because I was sitting alone though. That made me really happy. This guy is nice.

And I finished MCAS. I won't have to take it until grade 10

I'll do ok.

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