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This book should be titled {Keara's diary and a little bit of art}

There's this girl that's pissing me off right now. She's so... dramatic all the time. And makes it seem like everyone is against her but in reality she just gets so damn worked up about such small things then wonders why people are confused after she flipped out at them.

Like. Stop. Your bothering me now and many others. Just ignore things. Or joke about it. It ... makes things better for me? And it is less uncomfortable for others? Stop yelling at people who mean no harm.
(I swear though if she's reading this)

No art still. I'm so tired oml

I love how such small things can make me so upset and such small things can make me smile for hours.

Him not waiting for me in the hall today crushed me. Him not saying hello to me as I walked by hurt me.

But when he said goodnight to me it made me really happy asdfghjkl

I don't need much. I'm not asking for a lot. I just want to feel like I'm appreciated a bit. That you think about me positively just for a second of your day.

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